No, they are not always right.
Weather forecasting is based on complex models and data analysis, but it is not always 100% accurate. There are many factors that can influence the weather, making it challenging to predict with complete certainty. Forecast accuracy can vary depending on the location, time frame, and the specific weather event being predicted.
Temperature measures the speed of random thermal motion on the atomic and molecular level. When sub-microscopic particles are moving faster, the liquid as a whole will be more fluid and less viscous.
Yes. it is true. Isotopes of the same element always have different number of neutrons.
Your age, as it increases each year but decreases with each passing day.
It usually decreases.
It is not always increasing.
The weather in Majorca is awful. It always rains and its always stormy.
The weather in Majorca is awful. It always rains and its always stormy.
Of course weather changes!
The duration of It's Always Fair Weather is 1.7 hours.
No, they are not always right.
It's Always Fair Weather was created on 1955-09-01.
G is always positive when enthalpy increases and entropy decreases.
Because the weather is always different. Because the weather is always different.