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surface waves because they are the last waves and also the slowest.

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Surface waves, specifically Love waves and Rayleigh waves, travel more slowly than other types of seismic waves such as P-waves and S-waves. They are the last to be recorded on a seismogram and are responsible for the majority of the shaking and damage during an earthquake due to their longer wavelengths.

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Q: Waves that travel the slowest andare the last to be recorded?
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What medium do waves travel slowest in?

Waves travel slowest in mediums that offer more resistance to their propagation, such as solid materials like rock or metal. The speed of waves is determined by the medium's density and elasticity - the denser and less elastic the medium, the slower the waves will travel.

What medium do mechanical waves travel the slowest?

Mechanical waves travel slowest in gases, such as air. This is because gases have low density and low rigidity, leading to slower propagation of waves compared to liquids and solids.

Do sound waves travel slowest through gases?

Yes, sound waves travel slowest through gases compared to liquids and solids. This is because gases have lower density and slower molecular movement, which results in a slower propagation of sound waves.

What are the slowest earthquake waves?

The surface waves are the slowest waves.

Why does a sound wave travel the slowest in a vacuum?

Sound waves require a medium, such as air or water, to propagate because they rely on the vibration of molecules. In a vacuum, there are no molecules for the sound waves to travel through, so they cannot propagate, resulting in the absence of sound.

What do sound waves travel the slowest in?

Sound waves travel the slowest in gases, such as air. This is because the molecules in gases are more spread out compared to liquids and solids, which slows down the transfer of sound energy.

Through which material does sound travel slowest?

sound will travel through air (gas), the slowest. Because the molecule sin the air are farther apart. Actually rubber it will travel through rubber the slowest. Air is second slowest then water and then granite was all I learned . Also Saltwater is faster then water becaus e there more salt so air goes through it faster.

Mechanical waves travel slowest in which physical state?

Mechanical waves travel slowest in gases compared to liquids and solids because gases have a lower density and their particles are further apart. This means there are fewer collisions between particles, leading to a slower wave speed.

Which type of earthquakes waves move the slowest?

The surface waves (composed in turn of the Rayleigh and Love waves) are the slowest seismic waves.

What goes slowest to fastest for an electromgnetic to travel in matter?

In matter, electromagnetic waves travel slowest in solids, faster in liquids, and fastest in gases. This speed variation is due to the differences in density and the interactions between the particles in each state of matter.

Which is not true about p waves?

P waves are the first seismic waves to be recorded on seismographs during an earthquake. They are also known as compressional waves because they move in a back-and-forth motion parallel to the direction of wave propagation. One thing that is not true about P waves is that they are the slowest seismic waves; in fact, they are faster than both S waves and surface waves.

Which earthquake waves are slowest?

surface waves