Most likely. The volcano has continued to erupt regularly since its last massive explosion in 1883. These things are cyclical. There are many similar volcanoes around the world. See also: subduction zones, the 'ring of fire', and volcanoes in general.
No. While smaller eruptions had been occurring in the months leading up to the cataclysmic 1883 event, nobody knew such as massive event would coming, nor that any eruption would occur at all before the smaller ones started. The ability to predict volcanic eruptions did not come until much later.
There is currently no evidence to suggest that Krakatoa is reforming. The volcanic island last erupted in 1883, causing one of the most powerful eruptions in recorded history. While volcanic activity can never be entirely ruled out, there is no indication at present that Krakatoa is undergoing any significant reformation.
Yes, Krakatoa is an active volcano located in Indonesia. Its most recent eruption occurred in December 2018, and it continues to be monitored closely for any signs of activity.
no it does not
Much of Krakatoa's surface is the same temperature as any othe ground surface. During an eruption, the surface can be close to 2000 degrees where lava is present.
It erupted because it couldn't hold any longer.
Why are we doing your homework go to school and listen to your teacher and then come back to your stupit question and say wow i was so dum
The correct capitalization and punctuation is: Without any warning the volcano called Mt. Vesuvius erupted in A.D. 70 and buried Pompeii?
There is currently no evidence to suggest that Krakatoa is reforming. The volcanic island last erupted in 1883, causing one of the most powerful eruptions in recorded history. While volcanic activity can never be entirely ruled out, there is no indication at present that Krakatoa is undergoing any significant reformation.
Yes, Krakatoa is an active volcano located in Indonesia. Its most recent eruption occurred in December 2018, and it continues to be monitored closely for any signs of activity.
I do not believe that Krakatoa was ever studded, with any material.
Krakatoa, East of Java is the film, with a mistake in the title, as it is West.
no it does not
Yes. In most cases a warning is issued before a tornado strikes.
Prior to modern weather reporting, people probably got very little if any prior warning of an approaching hurricane.
It depends on the specific context and type of organization. Generally speaking members should be given some warning before being barred. For example some organizations may have a disciplinary process that requires members to receive a warning before they can be barred. Other organizations may have an informal policy which requires members to be given a warning before they are barred. In any scenario it is best practice to give members warning before they are barred. Here are some potential steps organizations can take to ensure members are given warning before they are barred: Clearly outline the disciplinary process in organizational guidelines and provide members with a copy. Ensure that a warning is included as part of the disciplinary process. Allow members to respond to the warning and give them an opportunity to explain their situation. Ensure that any decisions to bar a member are made with careful consideration. By following these steps organizations can ensure that members are given warning before they are barred. This helps to maintain a healthy and respectful organizational culture.