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1. 275,000 people were killed in fourteen countries across two continents, with the last two fatalities being swept out to sea in South Africa, more than twelve hours after the earthquake.

2. 40,000 to 45,000 more women than men were killed in the tsunami.

3. US $ 9.9 billion was originally estimated to be the value of economic, infrastructural and human development losses.

4. 141,000 houses were destroyed, which accounts for 47.9 percent of the total damage (BRR & World Bank, 2005)

5. Over 600,000 people in Aceh lost their livelihoods (in some cases only for a few months) including all those in the fishery sector and 30 percent of those in agriculture.

6. A 1,200km section of the earth's crust shifted beneath the Indian ocean and the earthquake released stored energy equivalent to over more than 23,000 Hiroshima bombs.

7. Speeds of 500km/h were reached as the tsunamis radiated through the Indian Ocean. In the worst cases, the waves reached over

8. Tsunamis reached 20m in height at landfall in parts of Aceh. In other locations they spread 3 km inland carrying debris and salt water with them. The retreating waters eroded whole shorelines.

9. Within ten minutes of the earthquake, tsunami waves started to strike the Nicobar and Andaman Islands. Banda Aceh was struck within another ten minutes.

10. Within two hours of the earthquake, both Thailand and Sri Lanka had been hit. The east cost of India was hit shortly afterwards.

11. Three hours after the earthquake tsunamis rolled over the Maldives and more than seven hours after, hit the Somali coast.

12. Over 1,000 German and Swedish tourists were killed. Germany and Sweden were the worst affected countries outside the region and lost more citizens than all but the four most affected countries.

Comparisons to the scales of other natural disasters

1. The fourth largest earthquake of recent times was the Boxing Day tsunami.

2. The past forty years has seen disasters that have killed, displaced and affected more people, or have spread across more countries than the tsunami. While the scale of the response was unprecedented, the scale of the disaster was not

3. A storm surge in the Bay of Bengal in 1970 killed 300,000 to 500,000 in one night. History was repeated in 1991 when another cyclone caused 138,000 deaths. The Tangshan Earthquake in China killed at least 255,000 in 1976 Flooding in Bangladesh in 2004 destroyed over 1 million homes, displaced over 4 million people, and affected over 30 million people. Flooding in Bangladesh in 2004 destroyed over 1 million homes, displaced over 4 million people, and affected over 30 million people.

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14y ago
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1mo ago

There was no official warning system in place to alert people of the Boxing Day Tsunami in 2004. The tsunami struck without warning, catching many people off guard. Since then, various countries have established early warning systems to help mitigate the impact of future tsunamis.

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12y ago

yes the homeless reveren that lived in the bin at the beach in India told them it was coming

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