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Maximum Order Limit. Basically it is interchangeable with MOT or Maximum Order Thereshold. It is the price at which you GSA schedule pricing no longer applies and becomes a negotiated price. Example, if I sell chairs that list for $200 on my GSA contract for 50% off and my MOT is $100,000, if I get an opportunity to sell more than 1000 chairs I can negotiate a different price. With that said, you can ALWAYS sell to the government for less, just not more unless you've exceeded MOT.

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9mo ago

"GSA Mol" could be referring to "Gay-Straight Alliance for Marginalized Orientations and Identities." This is a student-led organization commonly found in schools that seeks to create a supportive environment for LGBTQ+ students and allies.

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What does mean GSA in hotel industry?

GSA in hotel industry means Guest Service Associate... I never heard of this! It usually means General Sales Agent

What does GSA mean?

General Services Administration, if you mean the GSA of the U.S. Federal government. Or if you are referring to the Travel industry it means General Sales Agent or Gay Straight Alliance

Where can one obtain GSA contracts?

GSA contracts can be found at GSA Federal Contracts which offer a listing as well as ways to get the best deal on a GSA contract or at Get Started Up.

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GSA Sports F.C. was created in 1992.

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You can just put the highest GSA rank on your profile page....

Where is it possible to learn about GSA auctions?

It is possible to learn about GSA auctions in a few websites. They would include the official website, GSA and About. One can email the company at the official website.

Who buys from GSA contracts?

General Service Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contracts (aka GSA Contracts or GSA Schedules) are open to all federal agencies plus some state and local agencies. Check for more information. You can also go to and see what products are available on GSA contracts.

How can armed forces mcss jbuec claim to be a GSA contractor when the owner is a criminal and a con man?

The GSA is corrupt and does not care that criminals are using the GSA contractor system to run scams.

Who can shop military stores?

Service members and their dependents, DOD/GSA civilians, DOD/GSA contractors.

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Suntrust bank

What products can be purchased through GSA Advantage?

GSA Advantage provides IT products. IT products can be purchased through GSA Advantage. These are the only products they sell at this time, however maybe they will add to their inventory in the future.