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The eruption on August 27, 1883 was an explosive eruption: the pressure from expanding magma blew away most of the main island, reducing it to rubble and ash that was thrown 50 miles into the air. The energy of the main eruption was equal to that of a 200 megaton nuclear blast, and there were tsunamis from all 4 main eruptions that day. The remnants of the island subsided into the empty magma chamber beneath the islands.

Another result indicating the intensity of the blast was that a 10-ton mass of coral was uprooted and rolled up onto the Java shore more than 20 miles away.

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1mo ago

Krakatoa had an explosive eruption in 1883. It was one of the most powerful volcanic explosions in recorded history, resulting in devastating tsunamis, ash clouds that circled the Earth, and a significant decrease in global temperatures.

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Q: Was Krakatoa a quiet or explosive eruption?
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