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the gravity is the same and will fall at the same time. except if the thing is flat, and there will be air resistance so it will go slower to the ground. eg : paper :)) add me on facebook hanifati sabilaa :p

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12y ago
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11y ago

Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution. He lived from 1564 - 1642, and one of his most famous achievements was making a telescope that was 300x clearer than the original (first) one (but he didn't create the first telescope). Galileo Galilei found that falling objects fell faster/slower depending on the mass of the object, not the weight. He experimented his theory at the Leaning Tower of Pisa and dropped balls of the same material, but different weight.

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11y ago

Galileo Galilei was another person, amongst many others previous to him, who stated that all falling objects accelerate at the same rate. John Philoponus, for example, had already stated the same thing in AD 516; as had Simon Stevin and Benedetto Varchi in the late 1500s. Aristotle had stated that an object weighing ten times as much as another object would fall ten times faster than the latter -- but he was completely wrong. Anyone who drops a glass marble and a Bowling ball at the same time can readily see this.

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14y ago

Yes and and he proved that the higher the object the faster it falls down.

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Q: Was Aristotle or Galileo right about falling objects?
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Who one do you think got it right Aristotle or Galileo?

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Aristotle really didn't make any discoveries. In fact, Aristotle may have been the WRONG-EST man who ever lived. His knowledge of chemistry was laughable; his physics were primitive. Aristotle wrote that heavier objects fall faster than light ones, which Galileo proved wrong 1500 years later.His incorrect writings about medicine and physiology may have killed more people than any other person. For example, Aristotle wrote that women have fewer teeth than men do. He was wrong. He was MARRIED; why didn't he ask his wife to open her mouth, and LOOK? Aristotle insisted that logic and philosophy outweigh evidence and experiment, which is entirely ANTI-science.Aristotle's pig-headed ignorance, and the insistence of his followers that Aristotle must have been right because he was so famous may have retarded the development of all the sciences for two thousand years.In astronomy, Aristotle insisted that the Sun, Moon and all the planets went around the Earth in perfect circles. Astronomers labored for 1800 years trying to figure out what sorts of circles, before finally accepting that Aristotle had been completely wrong.

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right poperly

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Galileo Galilei