

WHY do cells do photosynthesis?

Updated: 10/31/2022
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Plants need Carbon for living.Photosynthesis gives carbon for plants.

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Q: WHY do cells do photosynthesis?
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What do photosynthesis and plant cells have in common?

photosynthesis occurs in plant cells. in the chloroplasts.

What organelle does photosynthesis in cells?

The organelle that is responsible for photosynthesis in cells is the chloroplast, which contain chlorophyll.

What are some photosynthesis cells?

chloroplasts are the photosynthesis cells that contain the green pigment chlorophyl.

Can plant cells photosynthesis?

Not all types of plant cells perform photosynthesis. Most cells on the shoot of the plant (depending on the plant) are capable of photosynthesis. However, most root cells are white because they lack pigments and, therefore, are incapable of photosynthesis.

What types of cells go through photosynthesis?

Plants, algae, and some bacteria are the primary types of cells that go through photosynthesis. These cells contain chlorophyll, a pigment that captures sunlight and helps convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen through a series of chemical reactions.

Where does The reactions of photosynthesis occur in the of plant cells.?

The reactions of photosynthesis occur in the chloroplast in the cells in plants.

Do plant cells carry on respiration and photosynthesis?

Yes, plant cells carry out respiration and photosynthesis. During respiration, they generate energy by breaking down glucose to produce ATP, releasing carbon dioxide as a byproduct. In photosynthesis, they convert light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose, using carbon dioxide and water.

Which cells carry out photosynthesis?

Chloroplasts in plant cells are the organelles that carry out photosynthesis. They contain chlorophyll, the pigment that captures light energy and converts it into chemical energy in the form of glucose. Only plants, algae, and some bacteria have chloroplasts and can perform photosynthesis.

What process does not occur in animal cells?

Animal cells do not undergo photosynthesis. This process is exclusive to plant cells, where they use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. Animal cells obtain their energy through processes like cellular respiration, which produce energy from nutrients.

What cell has lots of chloroplasts and photosynthesis?

Plant cells have a large number of chloroplasts which are responsible for carrying out photosynthesis, the process by which they convert sunlight into energy. This process allows plants to produce their own food by utilizing sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.

In what cells does photosynthesis take place?

plant cells

What cells does photosynthesis follow out?

it is plant cells. It is happening in plant cells.