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An assemblage is a taxonomic subset of a community. For example, all mammals found in the eastern deciduous forest biome of the United States are an assemblage (the subset is the taxonomic class Mammalia), or an assemblage could be even narrower such as all squirrels in the eastern deciduous forest (the subset is the family Sciuridae, in the order Rodentia, in the class Mammalia). Refer to Fauth et al. (1996) for more information. J. E. Fauth, J. Bernardo, M. Camara, W. J. Resetarits, Jr., J. Van Buskirk, and S. A. McCollum. 1996. Simplifying the Jargon of Community Ecology: A Conceptual Approach. The American Naturalist 147: 282 - 286.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

In ecology, "assemblage" refers to a group of species that coexist, interact, and depend on each other within a particular ecosystem. Assemblages can vary in size and complexity, and the species within them play different roles in maintaining the ecosystem's function and diversity. Understanding assemblages is important for studying community dynamics, species interactions, and ecosystem resilience.

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