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4w ago

Retroviruses are viruses that use reverse transcriptase to convert their RNA genome into DNA, which is then integrated into the host cell's genome. This process allows the virus to replicate using the host cell's machinery.

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Q: Viruses that use reverse transcriptase to cause their host cells to transcribe DNA from an RNA template are called?
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What do you call viruses with the enzyme reverse transcriptase?

Retroviruses are considered a special class of viruses because they transcribe RNA to DNA using reverse transcriptase. HIV uses reverse transcription to synthesize a DNA strand using its RNA genome as a template.

RNA can manufacture DNA via the action of what?

RNA can manufacture DNA via the action of reverse transcriptase, an enzyme found in retroviruses. Reverse transcriptase helps transcribe RNA into DNA by synthesizing a complementary strand of DNA based on the RNA template.

What does reverse transcriptase use from DNA?

Reverse transcriptase use mRNA to form DNA. mRNA

What is thepurpose of using reverse transcriptase?

To make DNA from mRNA

What enzyme is used in reverse transcription?

Reverse transcriptase is the enzyme used in reverse transcription to generate complementary DNA (cDNA) from an RNA template.

What enzyme do viruses use to produce m-RNA?

reverse transcriptase

What protein is found in some viruses?

Reverse transcriptase.

Which is the enzyme that HIV uses to synthesize DNA on an RNA template?

The enzyme that HIV uses to synthesize DNA on an RNA template is called reverse transcriptase. It catalyzes the conversion of viral RNA into DNA, which is an essential step in the HIV replication cycle.

What enzyme is contained in retroviruses?

Retroviruses contain an enzyme called reverse transcriptase, which helps transcribe the viral RNA genome into DNA once inside the host cell. This DNA then integrates into the host cell's genome, allowing the virus to replicate and persist within the host.

Which enzyme are retroviruses equiped with that allows them to transcribe DNA from an RNA template?

Retroviruses are equipped with the enzyme called reverse transcriptase, which transcribes RNA into DNA. This enzyme is crucial for the retroviral life cycle as it allows the virus to integrate its genetic material into the host cell's genome.

What enzyme converts RNA to DNA?

The enzyme that converts RNA to DNA is called reverse transcriptase. This enzyme is commonly found in retroviruses and is utilized in the process of reverse transcription, where RNA is used as a template to synthesize a complementary DNA strand.

What is Replication of an RNA virus?

You might be referring to the reverse-transcription that many retroviruses use (a virus with an RNA that turns into DNA). By using the enzyme reverse transcriptase, viruses like HIV can make a DNA from RNA template.