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The sisters could be the result of two separate sets of identical twins who married each other and had children. This would mean that genetically, the sisters are siblings, but due to the unique combination of DNA from both sets of twins, they appear very similar in appearance and age.

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Q: Two sisters look the same and same age and same parents but not twins or clones explain why?
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What do you call identical twin sisters who both are ice skating champions math joke?

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How are twins and clones similar?

They have the same DNA.

Why might identical twins be called clones?

because if there is absolutely no dfference then they might be mistaken for clones.

Why are identical twins not clones of their parents?

Identical twins are not clones of their parents because they result from the splitting of a single fertilized egg (zygote) into two separate embryos. Clones are made by replicating the genetic material of a single individual, resulting in a genetic copy. Identical twins share the same genetic material, but they are not exact copies of their parents.

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The Cope twins are Cameron Thomas Cope. And Coral Cameron Cope. Their parents are Tracy and Cameron"Crash". They have 2 sisters Amber and Clhoe

Is there sisters or twins in Girls' Generation?

No, there aren't twins or sisters in Girls' Generation. But they do treat each other as if they were sisters.

What is the different between identical twins and franternal twins?

The DNA of identical twins and of clones is, apart from random, environmentally produced mutations, 100% identical. The only difference is that clones are produced on purpose through advanced bioengineering techniques while identical twins happen as an accident of nature. Identical twins are, in a sense, natural clones.

Can full sisters look very different?

Yes. Only identical twins look alike; full sisters (and fraternal twins) can look completely different since they take their inherited charachteristics from both parents, who can be of totally different appearances.



Are aly and aj twens?

It is "Twins" And no they are not twins but they are sisters.

Which of the cimorelli sisters are twins?

None of them.

Is it twin's parents or twins' parents?

A twin is still a single, one has twins. So, "twins' parents."