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Noble gasses are historically known as inert gasses - so true

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Q: True or false noble gases are inert gasses?
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Noble gases are inert gases true or false?

TRUE (apex)

What is another name for the noble gases?

pure or inert gasses

Why are noble gasses also known as inert gasses?

The noble gases were once called inert gases because until about 1960, no compounds of them had been discovered.

Are noble gases inert gases true or false?

TRUE (apex)

What were the noble gasses originally called?

Inert gases, because at that time it was believed that these gases had no chemical reactions at all.

What are the physical properties of noble gasses?

Noble gases are generally colourless, odourless gases. They are found in trace amounts in the earth's atmosphere. They are chemically inert.

Why are noble gasses called inert gasses?

With very few exceptions (you can make argon fluorides, but you have to work at it), the noble gases are nonreactive--they won't form compounds.

Is it true or false that Noble gases are inert gases?

True. Noble gases are inert because they have a full outer electron shell, making them stable and unlikely to react with other elements.

Why noble gasses are not active?

Noble gases are not active because of their outer shells. The outer shells of these gases are full of 8 valence electrons, which make them stable and inert.

Which non metals do not eact on the periodic table?

Group-18 elements do not react. They are noble gases.They are inert in nature.Noble gases are unlikely to react. They are in the 18th period of the periodic table. They are called inert gasses too.

Where are the inert gasses located on the periodic table?

Inert gasses are also called noble gasses. These gasses are unlikely to participate in chemical reactions. Inert gasses are located in the 8th group of the periodic table.Inert gasses are also called noble gasses. These gasses are unlikely to participate in chemical reactions. Inert gasses are located in the 8th group of the periodic table.

The group of elements with a full valence are called?

These elements are Nobel Gases in group 18.