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True. Thomas Hunt Morgan's experiments with fruit flies led to the discovery that genes are arranged in a specific linear order along chromosomes. This finding was a key development in understanding how genetic information is stored and inherited.

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Q: True or false did Thomas Hunt Morgan determined that genes for various traits are arranged in a specific order along chromosomes?
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How are genes organized in organisms?

Genes are organized in organisms on structures called chromosomes. Chromosomes contain long strands of DNA that are made up of genes. Genes are arranged in a linear fashion along the length of chromosomes, with each gene encoding specific instructions for producing proteins or controlling various traits in the organism.

Does the inheritance theory suggests genes are located on chromosomes in exact locations?

Yes, the inheritance theory suggests that genes are located on chromosomes in specific locations called loci. Genes are segments of DNA that provide the instructions for building proteins and controlling various traits, and their precise positions on chromosomes can impact inheritance patterns.

What does an IO connector look like?

An I/O connector is typically a rectangular or square shape with multiple pins arranged in a specific pattern. It can come in various sizes and configurations depending on the specific use case and type of device it is intended for. They are commonly used for connecting various electronic components and peripherals to a computer or other electronic devices.

What does The chromosomes in your body each contain?

Chromosomes in your body contain DNA, which carries the genetic information necessary for the development, functioning, and reproduction of an organism. Each chromosome is made up of a long strand of DNA wrapped around proteins called histones. The DNA within chromosomes is organized into genes that encode specific proteins or RNA molecules essential for various biological processes.

The value of a mineral is determined by its?

The value of a mineral is primarily determined by its rarity, demand in the market, quality (purity and aesthetics), and the specific uses it has in various industries. Other factors such as location, size of the deposit, and geopolitical stability can also influence its value.

Related questions

Thomas hunt Morgan determined that genes for various traits are arranged in a specific order along chromosomes?

A. True

How are genes organized in organisms?

Genes are organized in organisms on structures called chromosomes. Chromosomes contain long strands of DNA that are made up of genes. Genes are arranged in a linear fashion along the length of chromosomes, with each gene encoding specific instructions for producing proteins or controlling various traits in the organism.

Define a specific rate constant?

The specific rate constant a proportionally determined constant that is usually different for various reactions with changes in temperature.

Which components of an atom are arranged in various energy levels or orbitals?

Electrons are the components of an atom that are arranged in various energy levels or orbitals. These energy levels are quantized and correspond to different distances from the nucleus, with each level accommodating a specific number of electrons based on their energy.

Is electrons the only thing arranged in various energy levels or orbitals or are protons arranged the same way?

Protons are not arranged in energy levels or orbitals like electrons. Protons are found in the nucleus of an atom and do not occupy specific energy levels or orbitals. Electrons, on the other hand, are arranged in specific energy levels or orbitals around the nucleus.

What part of the cell determines how it will specialize?

Cell specialization is determined by the activation or suppression of specific genes in the cell, which control its development and function. This process is regulated by various signaling pathways and environmental cues that influence gene expression. Cells differentiate into specific cell types based on the combination of genes that are turned on or off within their genetic code.

What are found on chromosomes and control traits?

Genes are found on chromosomes and they control traits by providing instructions for the production of proteins which determine various characteristics in an organism. Each gene carries specific information that influences an individual's physical and biological traits.

4 What determines the sex of a baby at the time of fertilization?

The sex of a baby is determined by the combination of chromosomes from the sperm and egg. If a sperm with a Y chromosome fertilizes the egg, the baby will be male (XY); if a sperm with an X chromosome fertilizes the egg, the baby will be female (XX).

The value of a mineral is determined by its?

The value of a mineral is primarily determined by its rarity, demand in the market, quality (purity and aesthetics), and the specific uses it has in various industries. Other factors such as location, size of the deposit, and geopolitical stability can also influence its value.

What does The chromosomes in your body each contain?

Chromosomes in your body contain DNA, which carries the genetic information necessary for the development, functioning, and reproduction of an organism. Each chromosome is made up of a long strand of DNA wrapped around proteins called histones. The DNA within chromosomes is organized into genes that encode specific proteins or RNA molecules essential for various biological processes.

Who led Western Rome?

The western part of the empire had various leaders at various times. To get a proper answer, you have to be specific about the time.The western part of the empire had various leaders at various times. To get a proper answer, you have to be specific about the time.The western part of the empire had various leaders at various times. To get a proper answer, you have to be specific about the time.The western part of the empire had various leaders at various times. To get a proper answer, you have to be specific about the time.The western part of the empire had various leaders at various times. To get a proper answer, you have to be specific about the time.The western part of the empire had various leaders at various times. To get a proper answer, you have to be specific about the time.The western part of the empire had various leaders at various times. To get a proper answer, you have to be specific about the time.The western part of the empire had various leaders at various times. To get a proper answer, you have to be specific about the time.The western part of the empire had various leaders at various times. To get a proper answer, you have to be specific about the time.

The function of a cell is determined by its what?

The function of a cell is determined by its specific organelles and the molecules it contains, such as proteins and enzymes. These components work together to carry out various processes, such as metabolism, growth, and reproduction, allowing the cell to perform its specialized function within an organism.