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True, cloning by twinning or SCNT (somatic cell nuclear transfer) does result it the replication of a cell and the eventual differentiation of this cell into many different cells (The process after the cell transfer or the splitting of the fertilized egg is actually identical to a "non-clone").

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False. Cloning involves creating an identical genetic copy of an organism or cell, not growing a large number of different cells from one cell.

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Q: True or false cloneing is growing a large number of different cells from one cell?
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What are the different rates of growth in different types of cells?

Different types of cells have varying rates of growth, with some cells, such as skin cells, rapidly dividing and growing, while others, like nerve cells, have a limited capacity for growth and regeneration. Cancer cells can also exhibit uncontrolled growth, dividing at a much faster rate than normal cells. The growth rate of cells is influenced by factors such as their function, location in the body, and overall health of the individual.

How many cells are in a human body all together?

There are an estimated 37.2 trillion cells in the human body. These cells make up different tissues and organs, each with specific functions to ensure the body operates properly.

When do cells divide the fastest?

Cells divide the fastest during embryonic development and during periods of growth in multicellular organisms. In these stages, there is a high demand for new cells to increase in number and allow for growth and development.

Do older people have more cells than babies?

No, older people generally have fewer cells than babies. As we age, the number of cells in our bodies may decrease due to factors such as cell death and reduced cell division. Babies, on the other hand, are growing rapidly, so they tend to have a higher number of cells compared to older individuals.

What are the cells in animals called?

Cells. Different types of cells have different names. What type of cells are you talking about? Different parts of a body have different types of cells.

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How are cancer cells diffrent from other cells?

Cancer cells are different because they keep rapidly growing even when they come together.

What are the different ways cells reproduce?

Need to repair damaged cells and Increase number of cells

How are animal and bacterial cells alike and different?

Plant, animal, and bacterial cells alike and different in a great number of ways. These cells all for example can have organelles.

Do different cells have different genes?

No, all cells in an organism have the same set of genes. However, different cells express different genes at different levels, allowing them to perform specialized functions. This differential gene expression leads to the unique characteristics of each cell type.

Are adult cells and somatic cells the same?

Adult cells could refer to any cell in the adult body. Somatic cells however, are body cells (cells that have diploid number of chromosomes), different from germ cells (containing haploid number of chromosomes)

Why cells don't just continue to grow larger as organisms grow larger?

Cells have a limit to how large they can grow due to the surface area to volume ratio. As cells increase in size, their volume increases faster than their surface area, leading to issues with nutrient and waste exchange. To support the growth of larger organisms, cells divide to maintain an optimal ratio for efficient functioning.

What are the different rates of growth in different types of cells?

Different types of cells have varying rates of growth, with some cells, such as skin cells, rapidly dividing and growing, while others, like nerve cells, have a limited capacity for growth and regeneration. Cancer cells can also exhibit uncontrolled growth, dividing at a much faster rate than normal cells. The growth rate of cells is influenced by factors such as their function, location in the body, and overall health of the individual.

Do normal cells stop growing when they come into contact with other cells?

yes, they stop growing. This property of them is called CONTACT INHIBITATION. Cancer cells lose this property.

How are sex cells different from other cells?

They have haploid number of chromosomes. They undergo meiosis cell division during their is the type of cell division in which the chromosome number of the parent is reduced cells to half in the daughter cells.

How are sex cells are different from other body cells?

They have haploid number of chromosomes. They undergo meiosis cell division during their is the type of cell division in which the chromosome number of the parent is reduced cells to half in the daughter cells.

Why don't you keep growing and growing?

Because, your stem cells get messages from the brain that puberty is over and their jobs is not needed, to multiply the cells for growth.

What cells has the greatest number of different cellular organelles made of membranes?
