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False. Beta cells of the pancreatic islets secrete insulin in response to high blood sugar levels, not glucagon. Glucagon is secreted by alpha cells in the pancreatic islets in response to low blood sugar levels to raise blood sugar levels.

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Q: True or false- The beta cells of the pancreatic islets secrete glucagon in response to low blood sugar levels?
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What cells in the pancreas that secrete glucagon are called?

The cells in the pancreas that secrete glucagon are called alpha cells. These cells are located in the islets of Langerhans within the pancreas and are responsible for producing and releasing glucagon in response to low blood sugar levels.

Do the pancreatic islets secrete their hormones into the same duct system by the exocrine secretory cells?

No, the pancreatic islets, which contain endocrine cells secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream, while the exocrine secretory cells secrete digestive enzymes into ducts that eventually empty into the small intestine.

Which population serves the digestive process- islets or acinar cells?

Acinar cells secrete digestive enzymes that break down food in the digestive process. Islets of Langerhans, on the other hand, secrete hormones like insulin and glucagon that regulate blood sugar levels in the body.

Glucagon acts as an antagonist to a hormone called?

insulin. Glucagon acts in opposition to insulin by promoting the release of stored glucose from the liver into the bloodstream, leading to increased blood sugar levels. This helps balance blood sugar levels during fasting or times of energy need.

What is islets of langerhams?

Islets of Langerhans are regions within the pancreas that contain hormone-producing cells. These cells secrete hormones such as insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin, which play crucial roles in regulating blood sugar levels and metabolism in the body. Dysfunctions in the islets of Langerhans can lead to conditions like diabetes.

Related questions

In response to low blood sugar the alpha cells of the pancreatic islets secrete?


What does the pancreatic islets secrete in reponse to low blood sugar?

Insulin is secreted by the pancreas to control blood sugar levels.

What cells in the pancreas that secrete glucagon are called?

The cells in the pancreas that secrete glucagon are called alpha cells. These cells are located in the islets of Langerhans within the pancreas and are responsible for producing and releasing glucagon in response to low blood sugar levels.

Do the pancreatic islets secrete their hormones into the same duct system by the exocrine secretory cells?

No, the pancreatic islets, which contain endocrine cells secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream, while the exocrine secretory cells secrete digestive enzymes into ducts that eventually empty into the small intestine.

Which of these is not produced by pancreatic islet cells?

Insulin is not produced by pancreatic islet cells. It is produced by beta cells within the pancreatic islets of Langerhans, while glucagon is produced by alpha cells and somatostatin is produced by delta cells in the pancreatic islets.

Do the pancreatic islets secrete their hormones into the same duct system used by the exocrine secretory cells?


What Types of cells are in the pancreas?

The pancreas has several cell types. The pancreas forms these small pouches that are formed by acinar cells, which make the proteins and enzymes in pancreatic fluid. These pouches then lead into intercalated ducts. The first cells here are centroacinar cells, which secrete bicarbonate. The rest of the ducts are lined by duct cells that change the electrolytic composition of pancreatic fluid. The pancreas also contains Islets of Langerhan. Within these islets you can find beta cells(produce insulin), alpha cells(produce glucagon), delta cells(produce somatostatin), epsilon cells(produce ghrelin), and PP cells(produce pancreatic polypeptide). Hope that helps.

Where is the islets of Langerhans located?

The islets of Langerhans are located in the pancreas, specifically in the tissues that make up the pancreas known as the exocrine and endocrine tissues. They are responsible for producing hormones such as insulin and glucagon that help regulate blood sugar levels in the body.

Which cells release glucagon in response to low blood sugar?

alpha cells which are part of islets of langerhans in the pancreas secrete glucagon.islet of langerhans are the tissues of the pancreas.

Which pancreatic cells secrete insulin?

Insulin is secreted by beta cells, which are a type of pancreatic islet cell located in the islets of Langerhans within the pancreas. Beta cells play a key role in regulating blood sugar levels by releasing insulin in response to high glucose levels in the blood.

What blood glucose lowering hormone is produced by the pancreatic islet cells?

The pancreas produces a variety of hormones, two being insulin and glucagon, these hormones are produced by groups of cells called the islets of langerhans.

The alpha cells of the pancreas produce?

The alpha cells in the pancreatic islets produce glucagon themselves. It is released when blood glucose is too low. It is made by the usual process of protein transcription and translation from pertinent genes on the DNA.