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The symbiotic relationship between coral polyps and zooxanthellae is called mutualistic, as both organisms benefit from the partnership. Zooxanthellae provide energy through photosynthesis to the coral polyps, while the coral provides shelter and nutrients to the zooxanthellae.

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Q: The symbiotic relationship that exists between coral polyps and zooxanthellae is called what?
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What organisms have a symbiotic relationship with coral?

Coral have a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae, photosynthetic algae that live inside the coral's tissues and provide energy through photosynthesis. Coral polyps also form partnerships with tiny organisms called zooxanthellae, which live inside their tissues and give corals their vibrant colors. Additionally, some species of fish, such as clownfish, have a mutualistic relationship with coral where they seek shelter among the coral branches and protect the coral from predators in exchange for a safe habitat.

What is it called when a relationship between two organisms that may help or harm both of them?

A symbiotic relationship.

What is a close long term relationship between two or more species?

A close long-term relationship between two or more species where they mutually benefit each other is called symbiosis. This relationship can take different forms such as mutualism (both species benefit), commensalism (one benefits, the other is unaffected), or parasitism (one benefits, the other is harmed).

What is the word that means a beneficial relationship?

In nature a relationship between two organisms of different species is called symbiotic. These relationships can be both beneficial and harmful to one or the other. A relationship where one obtains a benefit without doing harm to the other is called commensalism. Where both species are benefitted it is called mutualism.

What is a relationship that benefits one species but doesnot harm or benefit the other?

It is a symbiotic relationship called commensalism

Related questions

What organisms have a symbiotic relationship with coral?

Coral have a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae, photosynthetic algae that live inside the coral's tissues and provide energy through photosynthesis. Coral polyps also form partnerships with tiny organisms called zooxanthellae, which live inside their tissues and give corals their vibrant colors. Additionally, some species of fish, such as clownfish, have a mutualistic relationship with coral where they seek shelter among the coral branches and protect the coral from predators in exchange for a safe habitat.

What is the symbiotic relationship between the Longhorn and grass?

The Longhorn beetle and grass have a symbiotic relationship where the beetle feeds on the grass, helping to maintain its health by preventing overgrowth. In return, the grass provides the beetle with a food source and habitat for shelter and reproduction. This relationship benefits both species by ensuring a balanced ecosystem.

What is the relationship between the coral polyps and the algae that live in them?

Coral and algae (specifically the algae called zooxanthellae) have an intimate symbiotic relationship. The algae live inside the coral, and provide it with sugars and other photosynthesis byproducts. The coral provides the algae with nutrients for photosynthesis and a safe place to live and reproduce.

What is it called when there is a symbiotic relationship between a fungi and the roots of a plant?


What type of symbiotic relationship between algae and fungi?

It is called a lichen.

What is it called when a relationship between two organisms that may help or harm both of them?

A symbiotic relationship.

A relationship between two kinds of organisms that benefit both is?

A relationship between two kinds of organisms that benefits both is called a symbiotic relationship.

What is interdependence between living being?

The relationship between two organisms that rely on each other for survival is called a symbiotic relationship.

What do you called the relationship between two different kinds of organism that benefit from living together?

It is a symbiotic relationship.

What do you call a mutually beneficial relationship between two living organism?

A mutually beneficial relationship between two biotic (living) organisms is called a symbiotic relationship.

In which relationship do both species benefit?

Mutualism is a type of symbiotic relationship that benefits both species involved. In this relationship, both species gain benefits from each other, such as food, protection, or support.

What are the symbiotic relationship envirolment?

any relationship shared between 2 organisms that is mutually beneficial for the both concerned is called a symbiotic relationship environment. Like a relationship between the Egret bird and the crocodile. The bird helps the animal with cleaning of his teeth and in return gets food.