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William Thompson (later known as Lord Kelvin)

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Ernest Rutherford suggested using radioactive decay to age-date the Earth.

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Q: The scientist who suggested using radioactive decay to age-date the Earth was?
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What scientist suggested the use of radioactive decay to age the Earth?


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Who was the scientist that suggested using radioactive decay to age-date the earth?

Ernest Rutherford, a New Zealand-born physicist, proposed the idea of using radioactive decay to estimate the age of the Earth in the early 20th century. His work laid the foundation for radiometric dating techniques that are now commonly used in geology and archaeology.

Who suggested that the earth orbits the sun?

probaly someone else that is not a very smart scientist but that's not true the truth is the Earth oribts the Sun while the Moon orbits the Earth

Who is a scientist that studies the earth?

A geologist is a scientist that studies the Earth.

What scientist suggested that the earth is over 6000 years old?

James Hutton, a Scottish geologist, suggested that the Earth is much older than 6000 years in the late 18th century. This concept challenged the prevailing belief in a young Earth based on religious interpretations. His work laid the foundation for modern geology and our understanding of Earth's long history.

Which alkaline earth metals are radioactive?

Radium is the radioactive metal among alkaline earth metals.

The Greek scientist Aristarchus was the first person to suggest what?

He first suggested that the Earth (and the other planets that were then known) rotated around the Sun instead of the other way around.

What alkaline earth metal is radioactive?

There are two radioactive alkaline earth metals: radium (Ra) and radium (Ra). Both elements have radioactive isotopes that undergo radioactive decay.

What is the name of scientist to find the earth?

No scientist found the Earth.

Who are the scientist of earth science?

scientist that contribute in physical earth science

How old is the the earth and how did scientist know?

The Earth is approximately 4.54 billion years old. Scientists determine the age of the Earth through various methods, including radiometric dating of rocks and meteorites, studying the decay of radioactive isotopes, and analyzing the composition of minerals.