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It is [fractional] distillation. The mixture is heated until the constituent liquids evaporate. These condense at different temperature which allows them to be separated.

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The process is known as distillation.

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Q: The process by which alcohol concentrations are increased?
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How does different concentrations of alcohol affect the rate of diffusion?

Higher concentrations of alcohol can increase the rate of diffusion by providing more molecules to diffuse. This means that a solution with a higher concentration of alcohol will diffuse faster than one with a lower concentration. However, extremely high concentrations can also slow down diffusion due to the overcrowding of molecules.

The alcohol content of whiskey can be increased by distilling because?

distilling removes water and increases the concentration of alcohol in the liquid. The process involves heating the liquid to separate the alcohol from other components, resulting in a higher alcohol content.

Can peroxide or rubbing alcohol kill fungi bacteria on the skin?

Yes they can be killed. But in enough concentrations.

Why does alcohol affect men differently then women?

Alcohol affects men and women differently due to biological differences in body composition and metabolism. Women typically have a higher percentage of body fat and lower levels of alcohol-metabolizing enzymes than men, which can lead to higher blood alcohol concentrations and increased risk of health issues. Additionally, hormonal differences can influence how alcohol is absorbed and processed in the body.

Is greenhouse just a theory?

No, the greenhouse effect is a well-established scientific phenomenon. It is a natural process in which certain gases in Earth's atmosphere trap heat from the sun, resulting in increased temperatures on the planet. This effect is critical for supporting life on Earth, but human activities have increased the concentrations of these greenhouse gases, leading to global warming and climate change.

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Peregrine falcons and other birds suffer from increased concentrations of toxins in a process know as?

Biological Magnification

How alcohol effect respirator?

Alcohol suppresses the respiratory reflex at high blood concentrations.

What increased in the 1920's when alcohol became illegal?

Sales of alcohol increased.

How does different concentrations of alcohol affect the rate of diffusion?

Higher concentrations of alcohol can increase the rate of diffusion by providing more molecules to diffuse. This means that a solution with a higher concentration of alcohol will diffuse faster than one with a lower concentration. However, extremely high concentrations can also slow down diffusion due to the overcrowding of molecules.

Why absolute alcohal cannot be prepared by fermentation process?

Absolute alcohol, or pure ethanol (100% alcohol by volume), cannot be prepared by fermentation alone because typical yeast fermentation can only produce alcohol concentrations of up to around 15%. To achieve higher concentrations of alcohol, additional processes such as distillation or molecular sieves are necessary to remove water and impurities from the ethanol produced during fermentation.

The alcohol content of whiskey can be increased by distilling because?

distilling removes water and increases the concentration of alcohol in the liquid. The process involves heating the liquid to separate the alcohol from other components, resulting in a higher alcohol content.

When alcohol is consumed the heart function is increased and the ability of the heart to contract and move blood is increased.?

When alcohol is consumed, the heart function is increased and the ability of the heart to contract and move blood is increased

When alcohol is consumed the heart functions is increased and the ability of the heart to contract and move blood is increased?

When alcohol is consumed, the heart function is increased and the ability of the heart to contract and move blood is increased

What is rubbing acohol?

It's either isopropanol or ethanol in varying concentrations. It always has a poison added, either benzene, methanol or some other adulterant to make it impossible to drink. This process causes the alcohol to be called denatured alcohol.

How do alcohol made?

When making alcoholic drinksl beers , wines and spirits, alcohol is made by fermentation. It is a slow process and can take days or weks. However, industrially, under the correct conditions, water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) can be brought together to make alcohol ( ethanol ' CH3CH2OH) . This is a much faster process than fermentation.

The use of alcohol is associated with an increased incidence of acid reflux disease.?

The use of alcohol is associated with an increased incidence of acid reflux disease

Why 70 percent alcohol is most active?

70 percent alcohol, also known as isopropyl alcohol, is most effective for disinfection because it has a balance of water and alcohol content. This concentration allows the alcohol to penetrate the cell wall of microorganisms more effectively, denaturing their proteins and disrupting their cellular functions. Higher concentrations of alcohol may evaporate too quickly, while lower concentrations may not be as effective at killing bacteria and viruses.