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1mo ago

The magnitude of an earthquake is primarily determined by the amount of energy released during the seismic event, not its location. However, the location of an earthquake can impact its effects, such as the level of destruction and the extent of shaking experienced in nearby areas. Thus, while location influences the impact of an earthquake, magnitude is more closely tied to the energy released.

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Explain the difference between magnitude and intensity of an earthquakes?

The magnitude of an earthquake is the amount of energy released at the source of the earthquake and is measured by a seismograph. Intensity is shaking strength of an earthquake at a particular location.

What is the main factor in determining the risk that a location might have an earthquake?

The main factor determining earthquake risk in a location is its proximity to tectonic plate boundaries. Areas near convergent plate boundaries, transform plate boundaries, or along faults are at a higher risk of experiencing earthquakes due to tectonic activity.

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The amount of shaking produced by an earthquake at a given location is called "intensity".

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The trace that records an earthquake from seismic instruments is known as a seismogram. It shows the ground motion as a function of time, with peaks corresponding to the arrival of seismic waves generated by the earthquake. Seismologists analyze seismograms to determine the earthquake's location, magnitude, and depth.

What is an earthquake's magnitude a measure of?

An earthquake's magnitude is a measure of how strong it is

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Another word for an earthquake's strength is magnitude. Magnitude is a measure of the size of the seismic waves produced by an earthquake.

Magnitude is an earthquake's what?

The magnitude of an earthquake is caluated to measure the amount of energy released during the earthquake.

What is the highest ranked magnitude of an earthquake in the US?

The highest ranked magnitude for an earthquake in the US was the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake, which had a magnitude of 9.2.

What was the magnitude of the earthquake?

7.2 magnitude

How much greater is a magnitude 7.0 earthquake over a 6.0 earthquake?

The magnitude of an earthquake is measured on a logarithmic scale, so a magnitude 7.0 earthquake is 10 times stronger than a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in terms of the energy released. This means that the amplitude of ground shaking in a magnitude 7.0 earthquake would be significantly greater than in a magnitude 6.0 earthquake.

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Because the "magnitude scale is not linear, it is logarithmic (its numbers are an order of magnitude apart) this mean that the a magnitude 6 earthquake is TEN TIMES more powerful than a magnitude 5 earthquake and a HUNDRED TIMES more powerful than a magnitude 4 earthquake.