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N = N0 X e ^ (-kb X t)


NO the initial amount = 100

kb is the constant = 0.056

t is the time = 50

I get 6.1 after 50 years.

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3w ago

To calculate the fraction of tritium remaining after 50 years, you would use the formula: fraction remaining = e^(-kt), where k is the rate constant and t is the time. Plugging in the values, you would find that the fraction of tritium remaining after 50 years is approximately 0.606 or 60.6%.

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Q: The first-order rate constant for the decay of the radioactive isotope tritium is 0.056 year-1 What fraction of the tritium initially in a sample is still present 50 years later?
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What fraction of a radioactive sample decays after three half lives?

If I take a radioactive sample of 400 moles of an unknown substance and let it decay to the point of three half-lives I would have 50 moles left of the sample. 1/2 of what is left will decay in the next half-life. At the end of that half-life I will have 25 moles left of the unknown substance or 4/25.

How much of the radioactive element will be left one billion years from now?

It depends on the half-life of the radioactive element. After one billion years, only a fraction of the original amount would remain, based on the decay rate determined by the half-life of the element.

What fraction of the radioactive atoms currently present will be left after four minutes if a sample of gas has a half life of two minutes?

After two minutes, half of the radioactive atoms will remain. After another two minutes, half of the remaining atoms will decay, leaving 1/4 of the original amount. Therefore, 1/4 of the radioactive atoms will be left after four minutes.

What is the rate in halflife that radioactive decay occurs?

The rate of radioactive decay is typically measured using the half-life, which is the time it takes for half of a radioactive substance to decay. Each radioactive isotope has its own specific half-life, ranging from fractions of a second to billions of years.

What is the half -life of most radioactive istopes?

The half-life of most radioactive isotopes ranges from fractions of a second to billions of years. Some common radioactive isotopes, like carbon-14 and uranium-238, have half-lives of thousands to millions of years, while others, like iodine-131, have half-lives of only days or even seconds.

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Definition of disintegration constant?

The disintegration constant, also known as decay constant, is a measure of the rate at which radioactive isotopes decay. It is a constant value unique to each radioactive isotope and is used to calculate the rate of decay over time. A higher disintegration constant indicates a faster rate of decay.

What is the significance of a half life of a radioisotope?

It tells what fraction of a radioactive sample remains after a certain length of time.

What is the rate of change in a fraction?

A fraction is a numerical constant. Being a fraction does not alter that. And, as a constant, its rate of change is precisely zero.

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What fraction of a radioactive sample remains after three half - life?

It is 1/8 .

After three half-lives what fraction of a radioactive sample will remain?

Approx 1/8 will remain.

What is meant by the term the gravitational constant?

The force of gravity between two objects is proportional to(mass1) x (mass2)/(distance between them)2 , but it's not equal to that fraction. To get the actual value of the forces, youhave to multiply that fraction by a 'proportionality' constant, and since we'retalking gravity here, the constant is called the Gravitational Constant.If everything in the fraction is in SI (metric) units, then the gravitationalconstant is 6.67 x 10-11newton-meter2/kilogram2 And when you multiply the fraction by that constant, you get the actual valueof the force, in newtons.

After three half-lives what fraction of a radioactive sample remains?

1/8 of the original amount remains.

What fraction of a radioactive nuclei remain after p half lives?

The remainder is 2-p or 0.5p of the original amount.

If a radioactive material has half a life of 10 years what fraction of the material will remain after 30 years?

There will be 1/8 remaining.

Why After three half-lives what fraction of a radioactive sample remains?

After three half-lives, only 1/8 (or 12.5%) of the original radioactive sample remains. This is because each half-life reduces the amount of radioactive material by half, so after three half-lives, you would have (1/2) * (1/2) * (1/2) = 1/8 of the original sample remaining.

Radioactive elements comprise a majority?

Radioactive elements make up a small fraction of all naturally occurring elements in Earth's crust. Most elements are stable and non-radioactive. However, even though they are a minority, radioactive elements play important roles in various scientific, medical, and industrial applications.