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The cellular product of spermatogenesis is four spermatids. The final product of oogenesis is one ovum and three polar bodies.

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8mo ago

The final product of oogenesis is one mature egg cell (ovum).

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Final product of oogenesis is one?

The final product in oogenesis is one egg and three polar bodies.

Cells oogenesis produce?

Cells in oogenesis produce mature eggs or ova. Oogenesis is the process by which female germ cells or oogonia develop into mature eggs through several stages of cell division and maturation. In humans, oogenesis occurs in the ovaries and produces one mature egg during each menstrual cycle.

What is the product of spermatogenesis?

The product of spermatogenesis is sperm, which are the male reproductive cells produced in the testes. Sperm are essential for fertilizing the female egg during sexual reproduction.

What is made by meiosis in women?

egg,one via oogenesis

What are the four final cell types produced by oogenesis in the female?

Generally, one viable ovum(egg) is produced, while the other three cells degenerate into 'polar bodies' and are recycled by the body.

How many daughter cells produced in oogenesis?

In oogenesis, one daughter cell is produced as a result of each cell division. This leads to the formation of one functional egg cell (ovum) and polar bodies during the process of oogenesis.

How does oogenesis compare to the final product of spermatogenesis in males?

meiosis is the process; males produce four haploid gametes (sperm) while in females only a single haploid gamete (egg) is produced. The other three cells (polar bodies) fail to mature and die.

What is an ootid?

An ootid is a cell formed during oogenesis in the final stages of egg development. It is the product of the meiosis process in the female reproductive system and eventually develops into a mature egg after fertilization.

Where does Oogenesis occurs?

Oogenesis occurs in the ovaries of females.

What is one difference between oogenesis and spermatogenesis?

One key difference is that oogenesis produces one functional egg cell along with two or three polar bodies, while spermatogenesis produces four functional sperm cells through meiosis.

What are final product of protein?

Proteins are the final product. They are made from amino acids.

What type of gamete is produced through oogenesis?

Oogenesis produces an ovum (egg) as the female gamete.