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The product is gaseous water (vapors).

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9mo ago

Water vapor that rises into the atmosphere, where it can contribute to the formation of clouds. These clouds can then release precipitation in the form of rain or snow, replenishing water sources on land. This process is essential for the water cycle and ensures a continuous supply of freshwater.

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Q: The evaporation of water from lakesriversand seas produces?
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How does water move from the oceans and seas and seas to the air?

by evaporation

How does water from the seas and oceans to the air?

by evaporation

How does water move the oceans and seas to the air?

by evaporation

How do seas get salt?

Salt is extracted from sea waters by evaporation of water.

How is salt formed in the Earth?

Sodium chloride is formeed by the water evaporation from seas.

Where does most evaporation in the global water cycle occur?

The Atmosphere

Where does most evaporation fall?

Most of the evaporation occurs over bodies of water such as oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers, where the surface area exposed to air is large and water can easily evaporate due to the heat from the sun. These water bodies provide the necessary moisture for evaporation to happen at a significant rate.

What happened to water during evaporation?

Evaporation is the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor. Evaporation is the primary pathway that water moves from the liquid state back into the water cycle as atmospheric water vapor. Studies have shown that the oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers provide nearly 90 percent of the moisture in the atmosphere via evaporation, with the remaining 10 percent being contributed by plant transpiration

Why is evaporation necessary in the water cycle?

It's all part of a cyclic system. The water falls to the ground from clouds... it eventually runs into rivers and seas... it evaporates into water vapour forming clouds... which create rain. If the water didn't evaporate -the whole planet would be one huge ocean. - with no land to support life.

What are places where water transpires or evaporates?

Water transpires or evaporates from various places such as plants through their stomata, bodies of water like lakes and rivers, wet soil surfaces, and even buildings or infrastructure with moist surfaces. Additionally, water can also evaporate from oceans, seas, and other large water bodies.

Why do warmers seas make a stronger hurricanes?

Warmer seas provide the energy that fuels hurricanes, as warm water evaporates and rises to form storm systems. The increased evaporation and water vapor in warmer seas contribute to the intensification of hurricanes, making them stronger and more destructive.

What does most of the water that evaporates on the earth come from?

Most of the water that evaporates on Earth comes from the oceans, seas, and other large bodies of water. This process is known as evaporation, where water is heated by the sun and changes from liquid to vapor, rising into the atmosphere.