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The divisions of the worlds climatic regions are represented on grid maps by the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. These two lines represent the division between the equatorial climate and the colder weather that exists to the north and south beyond those divisions.

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1mo ago

The divisions of the world's climatic regions are typically represented on grid maps by isotherms. Isotherms are lines connecting points of equal temperature, helping to visualize temperature patterns across different regions. This method allows for a clear depiction of temperature variations and gradients in different parts of the world.

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What percent of area of world is in dry surface?

Approximately 33% of Earth's land area is classified as dry surface, which includes deserts, arid regions, and semi-arid regions. This represents a significant portion of the world's total area.

What factors influence the worlds climate regions?

Factors that influence the world's climate regions include latitude, proximity to large bodies of water (oceans or seas), mountain ranges, ocean currents, and prevailing wind patterns. These factors contribute to variations in temperature, precipitation, and overall weather patterns across different regions of the world.

When were countries divided into three worlds?

The concept of countries being divided into three worlds emerged during the Cold War period, specifically in the 1950s and 1960s. This classification categorized countries based on their political alignments with either the First World (capitalist countries), Second World (communist countries), or Third World (non-aligned or developing countries).

Where are the worlds longest living people?

The world's longest living people can be found in regions known as Blue Zones, including Okinawa (Japan), Sardinia (Italy), Nicoya Peninsula (Costa Rica), Ikaria (Greece), and Loma Linda (California). These regions have high concentrations of centenarians and are known for their healthy lifestyles and diets.

What is the worlds most populated latitude?

The latitude line with the highest population is generally around 30 degrees north. This latitude encompasses densely populated regions such as China, India, the Middle East, and the southern United States.

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