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It would be zero because 12.011 is the average mass for carbon's isotopes. Word.

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1mo ago

The chance of randomly getting a carbon atom with a mass of exactly 12.011 amu is extremely low because the atomic masses of atoms rarely fall on whole numbers. The actual mass of a carbon atom can vary slightly due to the presence of isotopes.

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Q: The average mass of a carbon atom is 12.011 Assuming you could pick up one carbon atom what is the chance that you would randomly ge?
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What role does chance play in an organisms heredity?

Chance plays a role in an organism's heredity through genetic recombination during sexual reproduction, which shuffles genes randomly. This process generates genetic diversity within a population and can result in offspring inheriting different combinations of traits from their parents. Additionally, mutations can occur randomly, leading to new genetic variations that can be passed on to future generations.

What is meant by 'randomly assorting epistatic genes'?

Randomly assorting epistatic genes refers to the way in which multiple genes interact and segregate independently during gamete formation. Epistatic genes are those that mask the effect of other genes. When these genes are randomly assorting, their impact on the phenotype of an individual is determined by chance rather than a specific pattern of inheritance.

If both your mother and father have negative blood types does that mean you will too?

no but there is a average chance you will :)

Why is carbon monoxide most at a risk at night?

Because it's an odourless and colourless gas. At night, people are less aware of their surroundings while asleep. This could mean that they are overcome by carbon monoxide 'fumes' without having the chance to escape.

The law of segregation states?

The law of segregation states that each individual has two alleles for each gene, and these alleles segregate (separate) during the formation of gametes. As a result, each gamete carries only one allele for each gene, which is randomly selected.

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