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The strontium ion is Sr2+ with the same electron configuration as Kr. Sr element has an atomic number of 38- the neutrl Sr tom has 38 protons in its nucleus and 38 electrons - therefore the ion Sr2+ has 2 less - 36.

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The strontium ion, Sr^2+, would have 36 electrons. This is because a neutral strontium atom has 38 electrons, but when it loses 2 electrons to become an ion, its electron count decreases to 36.

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Q: The Strontium ion would have how many electrons?
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How many electrons will strontium gain or lose in forming an ion?

Strontium will lose 2 electrons to form a 2+ ion.

What is the name of the strontium ion?

The strontium ion is called the Sr2+ ion. It has a 2+ charge due to the loss of two electrons from a neutral strontium atom.

How is a strontium atom different from a strontium ion?

A strontium atom is neutral, meaning it has an equal number of protons and electrons. A strontium ion, on the other hand, has lost or gained electrons, resulting in a positive or negative charge, respectively.

How many electrons will strontium gain or lose when forming an ion?

Strontium, element with atomic number 38, will lose 2 electrons to form a stable ion as it tends to lose electrons to attain a noble gas configuration.

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A strontium atom differs from a strontium ion in that the atom has a greater number of electrons compared to the ion. This means the atom retains its neutral charge due to an equal number of protons and electrons, while the ion has lost some electrons and carries a positive charge.

Strontium atom differs from a Strontium ion in that the atom has a greater?

number of electrons, while the ion has a different number of electrons due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons.

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A 2+ ion of boron is not commonly found, as boron usually forms a 3+ ion. Strontium typically forms a 2+ ion by losing two electrons.

What ion charge does strontium have?

A strontium ion has a charge of +2

Is a strontium a cation?

Strontium can be a neutral atom or a cation.

The strontium ion is isoelectronic with xenon is true or false?

True. Both the strontium ion (Sr2+) and xenon (Xe) have the same number of electrons when considering the ionization states: 54 electrons. This means they are isoelectronic.

How many protons and electrons in ion Sr2 plus?

Ion Sr2+ has 38 protons and 36 electrons. The number of protons remains the same as the atomic number of the element (38). The ion has a 2+ charge, indicating a loss of 2 electrons from the neutral Sr atom.

What is the number of valence electrons and oxidation number of strontium?

Strontium has 2 valence electrons because it is in Group 2 of the periodic table. The oxidation number of strontium is typically +2, as it tends to lose those 2 valence electrons to achieve a stable electronic configuration.