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a flower homozygous for the red flower allele

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Individuals homozygous for the allele for dark red flowers.

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Q: Snapdragons show co-dominance for red and white flower color Which of these would you expect to have dark red flowers?
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Do snapdragons eat flies?

No, snapdragons do not eat flies. Snapdragons are flowering plants that attract insects with their colorful blooms, but they do not consume flies or other insects.

Is antrium a flower?

Do you mean Antirrhinum - they are flowers, commonly called Snapdragons

Which of these would you expect to have dark red flowers?

a flower homozygous for the red flower allele

Why pink snapdragons were produced instead of red snapdragons?

I am assuming you are talking about the breeding of a plant with white flowers and a plant with red flowers. The reason the new plants will have pink flowers is because the flower color in snapdragons is an example of INCOMPLETE dominance. Red is the stronger allele, but not completely... so the white it not completely overpowered. So the new trait of the new plant is somewhere in between the parent phenotypes: Red mixed with white- or pink! did you know they actually snap!!??!!

How does snapdragons grow?

Actually, snapdragons aren't necessarily outdoor plants. They can grow either indoors or outdoors... Snapdragons grow just like any other flower.

How many petals do snapdragons have?

Snapdragons typically have five petals that resemble a dragon's face when the flower is squeezed.

Explain the difference between intermediate inheritance and codominance?

Intermediate inheritance refers to a situation in genetics where the heterozygous phenotype is a blend of the two homozygous phenotypes, such as in the case of flower color in snapdragons. Codominance, on the other hand, is a situation where both alleles of a gene are expressed fully in the heterozygous individual, resulting in a phenotype that shows traits of both alleles simultaneously, like in the case of human blood types.

What are codominance?

codominate traits are a mixture between two dominate traits, for example if you take a red flower and bond it with a white flower you would get a pink flower.

Example of incomplete dominance?

An example of incomplete dominance is the flower color in snapdragons. When a red snapdragon (RR) is crossed with a white snapdragon (WW), the offspring have pink flowers (RW). This is because neither the red nor white allele is dominant, resulting in a blend of the two colors.

What flower grows fastest?

Just to name a few:Marigolds, Snapdragons, Morning Glories.Please see related link below!

What is flower in Swedish?

'blomma' a flower - en blomma flowers - blommor the flower - blomman the flowers - blommorna

What is an example of an incomplete dominance?

An example of incomplete dominance is the crossing of red snapdragons (RR) with white snapdragons (WW) to produce pink snapdragons (RW). In this scenario, neither allele (R or W) is completely dominant, resulting in a blend of the two traits.