Latitude and longitude are angles. There is no smallest unit.
If you move one inch north of where you are right now, you've changed
your latitude about 0.00000023 degree, or about 0.000004 milliradian.
The smallest unit of latitude and longitude is one minute, which is further divided into seconds. One minute of latitude is approximately equal to one nautical mile. One minute of longitude varies in distance based on the latitude but is also approximately one nautical mile at the equator.
The smallest unit of measure for longitude is seconds. There are 60 seconds in 1 minute of longitude.
Latitude and longitude are angles, so any unit of angle measure works.The one most commonly used is degrees and subdivisions of degrees.
Latitude and longitude are angles, and can be expressed in any angle unit. The 'degree' and its sub-divisions have always been the most popular.
Latitude is measured as the angle between the point and the equator, ranging from 0° at the equator to 90° at the poles. Longitude is measured as the angle between the point and the prime meridian, ranging from 0° to 180° east or west. These measurements help pinpoint a specific location on Earth's surface.
Latitude and longitude are angles, and can be expressed in any unit of angle measure. Degrees are quite popular.
The smallest unit of measure for longitude is seconds. There are 60 seconds in 1 minute of longitude.
latitude,longitude,unit,continents,and ocean
30○N and 40○S
The unit of measure used to determine absolute location is degrees and minutes of latitude and longitude. The Earth has 360 degrees at the equator.
Latitude and longitude are angles, so any unit of angle measure works.The one most commonly used is degrees and subdivisions of degrees.
it is a unit of measurement that is created by the division of lines of latitude and longitude
Latitude and longitude are angles, and can be expressed in any angle unit. The 'degree' and its sub-divisions have always been the most popular.
Latitude is measured as the angle between the point and the equator, ranging from 0° at the equator to 90° at the poles. Longitude is measured as the angle between the point and the prime meridian, ranging from 0° to 180° east or west. These measurements help pinpoint a specific location on Earth's surface.
What is the latitude and longitude for kremlin?