Each muscle cell is only innervated by a single motor neuron, but each motor neuron innervates any number of muscle cells. When an action potential travels down the axon of an alpha motor neuron, it will depolarize several muscle cells at the same time, a phenomenon known as summation.
The all-or-none law applies to individual muscle fibers within a skeletal muscle. This means that when a muscle fiber is stimulated by a motor neuron, it will either contract maximally or not at all, depending on whether the stimulus reaches the threshold for activation.
A single motor neuron will innervate many muscle cells
The response of a motor unit to a single action potential of its motor neuron is called a muscle twitch. This involves the contraction of all the muscle fibers within the motor unit in response to the stimulation from the motor neuron.
Smooth muscle tissue has a single nucleus in each cell :)
The combination of a neuron and the muscle fibers it associates with is called a motor unit. Motor units work together to produce movement by having the neuron stimulate the muscle fibers it innervates to contract.
neuromuscular junction
the motor unit
Motor neurons and the muscle fibers they transmit signals toA motor unit is a collection of muscle fibers that contract as a single functional unit when stimulated by an impulse from a motor neuron. The actual size can vary greatly, from many large muscle fibers in the quadriceps muscle group per motor unit to just a few muscle fibers in the muscles of the fingers per motor unit.
Yes, neck muscle is a skeletal muscle.There is no single neck muscle, however, all the muscles in the neck are skeletal.
The all-or-none law applies to individual muscle fibers within a skeletal muscle. This means that when a muscle fiber is stimulated by a motor neuron, it will either contract maximally or not at all, depending on whether the stimulus reaches the threshold for activation.
many muscle fibers are controlled by a single motor neuron
A single motor neuron will innervate many muscle cells
The response of a motor unit to a single action potential of its motor neuron is called a muscle twitch. This involves the contraction of all the muscle fibers within the motor unit in response to the stimulation from the motor neuron.
Smooth muscle tissue has a single nucleus in each cell :)
The combination of a neuron and the muscle fibers it associates with is called a motor unit. Motor units work together to produce movement by having the neuron stimulate the muscle fibers it innervates to contract.
Muscle tissue cannot conduct nerve impulses from one neuron to the other. Moreover, skeletal muscle tissue cannot even pass impulses between themselves and they should be stimulated by single branches of neurons. However, cardiac muscle cells has the unique ability to conduct impulses between themselves through gap junctions.
Smooth muscle tissue.