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There are no separate types of evolution. Evolution is the changing of allele frequencies within populations. This definition encompasses all evolution, from adaptation within a species to the emergence of new major taxa from existing taxa (eg. the emergence of birds from dinosaurs).

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3mo ago

Scientists classify evolution into two categories: microevolution, which refers to small-scale changes within a population, and macroevolution, which deals with larger-scale changes over longer periods of time leading to the formation of new species.

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microevolution and macroevolution

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Q: Scientists break down evolution into which two categories?
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Microevolution and Macroevolution : NovaNet

Scientist break down evolution into which two catorgories?

Scientists typically break down evolution into microevolution, which involves small changes within a population over generations, and macroevolution, which involves larger scale changes leading to the formation of new species.

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To break down the original category into smaller more specific categories containing specific questions.

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There are biologists and astronomers and also there are geologists, zoologists, meteorologists, for starters. There are also physicists, theoretical physicists, several different kinds of earth scientists, medical scientists, behavioral scientists, botanists and agricultural scientists, social scientists. There are computer and information scientists, scientists who work with and create mathematical models of real and hypothetical processes, and probably hundreds more if you want to break things down to the most minute level. Most sciences will fit into one of the categories above, and there may be several other general categories. This is only touching upon the array of sciences without even getting into the engineering fields that have come out of them.

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Yes you can but only scientists know how to make it. It's called an atom bomb. It splits atoms.

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The different sections of the orchestra break down into four basic families: strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion.

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Because it is breaking down everywhere else, and northern Europe is on the same planet?

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Yes, in fact the people that work there discovered a little crack in September 2009. And scientists predicted that it was going to break(fall down) October 17 2009.

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Most of the coupon directory websites that exist on the internet will have categories that break down to extreme proportions such as to go to the fitness equipment area.

What is the process of naming and classifying organisms into different categories based on their characteristics?

The process is called taxonomy. Organisms are classified into different categories based on their shared characteristics, starting from the broadest category (domain) down to the most specific (species). This system helps scientists organize and understand the diversity of life on Earth.

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