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There are three processes that add material to the ocean floor:

Sedimentation, and Vulcanism.

Sedimentation is usually caused by skeletons of sea animals falling to the ocean floor. It can be argued that this is not new material but only recycled materials. But some of the remains are calcium or other deposits that are added from land based run off. Silt deposits also run into the ocean floor from the land,

Vulcanism results from shifts in the ocean mantle with new material coming from deeper in the earth and spouting through volcanoes or emerging as new ocean floor at the rising edges of the tectonic plates.

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14y ago
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9y ago

A new ocean floor is constantly being produced through the process known as seafloor spreading. An underwater mountain chain formed where new crust is created by seafloor spreading is called a mid-ocean ridge.

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11y ago
  • The oceanic crust is thin and hot at the mid-ocean ridges where plates are pulling apart from each other. The bouyancy of magma causes it to rise and fill in the gap being created from the separating plates. The basaltic rock being created from the cooling of the magma becomes part of the crust/ocean floor. The rate of spreading is slow in human terms--about the rate of fingernail growth, but in geologic time, its How_does_sea_floor_spreading_create_a_new_ocean_floorenough to move plates all over the planet in relation to each other. Oh, and at the opposite end, oceanic crust is being swallowed up by the mantle, all part of one big conveyor belt.
  • OR, in simple terms:

    Seafloor spreading occurs at mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity and then gradually moves away. Jennifer Castro

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1mo ago

Seafloor spreading. This occurs at mid-ocean ridges where tectonic plates move apart, allowing magma to rise up and solidify, forming new oceanic crust.

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7y ago

Seafloor spreading is a process that occurs at mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity and then gradually moves away from the ridge.

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13y ago

Seafloor Spreading

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sea floor spreading

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sea-floor spreading

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Q: New ocean floor is constantly being produced in the process known as?
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