Jupiter was named after Zeus. Jupiter is the Roman name of the king of the gods.
The moon of Jupiter that takes its name from the lover of Zeus in Greek mythology is Ganymede. Ganymede was a Trojan prince known for his beauty and was abducted by Zeus to serve as his cupbearer in Greek mythology.
Europa which is one of the moons of Jupiter
Metis is a small moon of Jupiter named after the first wife of Zeus in Greek mythology. It was discovered in 1979 by the Voyager 1 spacecraft. Metis is irregularly shaped and orbits close to Jupiter.
Jupiter has the moon called Europa. (Galileo discovered this moon, but actually the name was given by another person.)
MetisZeus had 4 wives who were Titanesses:Metis - first wife of Zeus - also the name of the innermost of Jupiter's known moonsThemis - second wife of Zeus - her name was assigned to a moon of Saturn reported by William Pickering, but no other astronomers have confirmed the existence of this moonEurynome (Metis's sister) - third wife of Zeus - her name is not assigned to any moons but asteroid 79 Eurynome takes its name from herMnemosyne - fourth wife of Zeus - her name was used for a fictional moon of Saturn by Arthur C. Clarke and in the Dr. Who series. The asteroid 57 Mnemosyne is named after her.Zeus was also married to (non-Titanesses)Demeter (his sister)Hera (his sister)
It was named after Europa, daughter of the king of Tyre, who became one of Zeus' lovers. (Zeus is the same god a Jupiter).
Jupiter's moon Io was named after a priestess from Greek mythology who was a lover of Zeus. Io was turned into a cow by Zeus to protect her from his jealous wife Hera. Galileo Galilei discovered Io in 1610 while observing Jupiter's moons.
his name was ganymede.c: he is said to be hated by hera. & a moon of Jupiter was named after him. i hope i helped.!:D
Io is one of the moons of Jupiter, which was named after the Roman counterpart to the Greek god Zeus. Io was named after a woman in Greek mythology who had an affair with Zeus.
Callisto is a moon of Jupiter and was named after a nymph in Greek mythology who caught the attention of Zeus. The moon was named by Galileo Galilei in the 17th century along with several other moons he discovered around Jupiter.
I am Zeus, the king of the gods in Greek mythology. The most famous moons of Jupiter are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, named after Zeus's many lovers and offspring in Greek mythology.
Jupiter's 63rd moon is named Valetudo. It was discovered in 2018 and is one of the smallest moons of Jupiter.
The moon of Jupiter that takes its name from the lover of Zeus in Greek mythology is Ganymede. Ganymede was a Trojan prince known for his beauty and was abducted by Zeus to serve as his cupbearer in Greek mythology.
Europa which is one of the moons of Jupiter
Metis is a small moon of Jupiter named after the first wife of Zeus in Greek mythology. It was discovered in 1979 by the Voyager 1 spacecraft. Metis is irregularly shaped and orbits close to Jupiter.
The maiden loved by Zeus and transformed into a heifer to hide from Hera is Io. The moon associated with Io is Jupiter's moon, also called Io, which is named after the mythological character.
The astronomical symbol for planet Jupiter is ♃.See the link under "Sources and related links" below for a larger version.It is supposed to be a representation of the mythical god Jupiter/Zeus's lightning bolt.It looks a little like a stylized number 4, or like a 2 with a vertical line through it.