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humans are not magnetic.

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9mo ago

No, there is currently no magnet strong enough to lift a human due to the weight and mass of the human body. Magnets strong enough to lift heavy objects like cars are not safe for use near humans due to the risk of injury or interference with medical devices.

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Q: Is there any magnet strong enough to lift a human?
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A lifting magnet is an electromagnet that is meant to hold or move material that comes in contact with the magnet. This is the opposite of a traction magnet.

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Yes , if you are strong enough and your hands are big enough to grip them safely.

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Yes, a strong enough tornado could lift a tractor trailer. It would probably take a a strong EF2 or EF3 to do so.

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Natural magnets are not strong enough to lift heavy loads typically encountered in crane operations. Man-made magnets, such as electromagnets, can be controlled and adjusted to generate the necessary magnetic force to lift heavy objects more efficiently. Additionally, natural magnets can lose their magnetism over time, making them unreliable for industrial applications.

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If the broken piece is not jambed tight in there, try using a strong magnet to lift it out of there.

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If the tornado is strong enough, yes. It would normally take at least an EF2 tornado to lift a truck.

Can a hurricane lift a human?

No, a hurricane's strong winds are not capable of lifting a human off the ground. However, these winds can be extremely dangerous and cause significant damage through flying debris, collapsing buildings, and other hazardous conditions.

How strong are human?

the average adult should be able to lift well over 150 pounds.

How many grams can a magnet lift?

The weight a magnet can lift depends on its size, shape, and strength. Small magnets can typically lift a few grams, while larger neodymium magnets can lift several kilograms.