Xibalba is the name of the Mayan underworld ... essentially the equivalent of the Greek Hades (the place, not the god). Also, the Mayans appear to have regarded a dark rift in the Orion Constellation as being the road to Xibalba. On Ganymede, one of Jupiter's moons, there is a feature (a sulcus, which is basically a kind of ditch) named after it; that's the only modern non-fictional astronomical reference to it that I know of The nebula in the movie, The Fountain, is referred to as Xibalba, which the Mayans believed to be the Orion Nebula. There is no star or nebula technically referred to as Xibalba, but as you can see throughout the movie, it is shown to be within the constellation Orion and specifically the location of the Orion Nebula. According to Wikipedia: "The Maya of Central America had a folk tale which dealt with Orion's part of the sky, known as Xibalba. Their traditional hearths included in their middle a smudge of glowing fire that corresponded with the Orion nebula. This is clear pre-telescope evidence that the Maya detected a diffuse area of the sky contrary to the pin points of stars."
It's Called A Supernova
A supernova occurs at the end of a massive star's life cycle.
A supernova, or in the case of a smaller star, a nova.
Nebula. Some nebulae are formed as the result of supernova explosions. The material thrown off from the supernova explosion is ionized by the supernova remnant. One of the best examples of this is the Crab Nebula, in Taurus. It is the result of a recorded supernova, SN 1054, in the year 1054 and at the centre of the nebula is a neutron star, created during the explosion.
The explosion of a very massive star is called a supernova. This event releases a tremendous amount of energy and can briefly outshine entire galaxies.
It's Called A Supernova
A nova or a supernova
a super novaA supernova.
That's called a supernova.
A "guest" star is the name for the original star, before it exploded as a Supernova. Because the Supernova is the explosion and has no real physical relation to the Star, it is termed "guest" star.
when a star is at the end of its life(depending on mass) a star will sponaniously explode into a supernova. or it will collapse into a black hole.
Rock Star Supernova was created in 2006.
Xibalba is the name for the underworld in Mayan mythology. It is often depicted as a place of trials and challenges where the souls of the dead must pass to reach the afterlife.
A Nova or Supernova
when a star is at the end of its life(depending on mass) a star will sponaniously explode into a supernova. or it will collapse into a black hole.
A supernova occurs at the end of a massive star's life cycle.