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If the dog has swallowed something harmful, first call the vet . If the vet says to induce vomiting, mix hydrogen peroxide with some lukewarm water. Should use 1 tsp for every ten pounds that the dog weighs. It should take at least 15-20 minutes until the dog finally does vomit.

Please note that I have been advised by some vets that hydrogen peroxide can damage the esophagus and cause bleeding and other problems. Of course, if you are in dire straights and cannot reach an emergency vet, this may be your only option. Just be careful!

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1mo ago

Yes, there is a risk of using hydrogen peroxide too frequently to induce vomiting in dogs. It can cause irritation and damage to the gastrointestinal tract with repeated use. It is important to consult a veterinarian before inducing vomiting in your dog and to follow their advice on appropriate treatment methods.

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15y ago

You bet ! go to the vet

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Q: Is there a risk of too frequently using hydrogen peroxide to make your dog vomit?
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Can hydrogen peroxide make you vomit?

Yes. I just tried to gargle with it to get rid of a bacterial infection, and it triggered an automatic vomit response when it hit the back of my throat.

Is swallowing hydrogen peroxide safe?

Hydrogen peroxide can be diluted with water and used as a gargle but should never be swallowed. In the event you do swallow concentrated hydrogen peroxide, drink water and DO NOTattempt to vomit. Contact your physician should you begin to feel ill.

How long will your dog vomit after giving hydrogen peroxide?

Results should be seen in 15 to 20 minutes.Get in touch with your veterinarian before you induce vomiting in your dog, to see if it is necessary and safe. Your vet will determine how much to dilute the peroxide and the size of the dose.Be sure you are using three percent peroxide, not the stronger peroxide used for bleaching hair.

I think my dog has kennel cough and I have heard you can fix it with food grade hydrogen peroxide in his water Is this true?

No, using food grade hydrogen peroxide in your dog's water to treat kennel cough is not recommended. It is always best to consult with your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan for any health concerns your dog may have. Treating kennel cough typically involves supportive care, rest, and sometimes antibiotics.

What does peroxide do for dogs and chocolate?

makes them vomit up the choclate

Is hydrogen peroxide safe to swallow?

Swallowing small amounts of diluted hydrogen peroxide is generally safe in the context of using it as a mouthwash or to help with oral care. However, ingesting large quantities of concentrated hydrogen peroxide can be harmful and should be avoided as it can cause irritation and damage to the digestive tract. It's important to follow proper guidelines and consult a healthcare professional before ingesting hydrogen peroxide.

Can I give a cat peroxide to make him vomit?

Peroxide is given to a cat to make it vomit if it has ingested something that could be dangerous or fatal. DO NOT try to do this yourself - go to the vet. A vet will know exactly how much to safely give a cat.

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What will happen if you give hydrogen peroxide to a cat and it does not vomit?

Generally, cats are only given hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting if they have eaten something poisonous. If this is the reason you gave it to your cat, you need to take your cat to a veterinarian right away. The hydrogen peroxide may have gotten the cat to vomit and therefore taken care of any immediate danger, but there could still be some poison in the cat's system, or even other damage depending on what it ate. Also, hydrogen peroxide is given to cats in very small amounts. You would need to put it in a lot of water to be safe for your pet. If you accidentally gave your cat too much, this could be just as dangerous as poison. Hydrogen peroxide is highly corrosive, and can cause damage to membranes in an animal's stomach, resulting in internal bleeding. It can also cause blistering, stomach pain, diarrhea, and further vomiting. If this is the case, your cat still needs taken to a veterinarian promptly.To summarize, if your cat is still showing symptoms of any kind after this, it needs to be taken to a veterinarian. This should be done any time a cat ingests something toxic, if that is why you gave it the hydrogen peroxide. If it is not the reason, and your cat is still showing symptoms, it is most likely caused by the hydrogen peroxide itself. Either situation is dangerous for your cat, and it needs immediate care.

Can heart transplant recipients vomit?

All transplant recipients can still vomit afterwards. However if they are taking a category of drug called an "anti-emetic", they may vomit less frequently.

How do you Make your own Stain Remover?

The best stain and odor remover is this: Dish Soap Baking Soda Hydrogen Peroxide There really is no set-in-stone amount of each to use but make sure you dont over use the hydrogen peroxide! Hydrogen peroxide can bleach some fabrics in high concentrations so be careful with it. If you dont have or feel comfortable using peroxide than you can use oxyclean instead. The dish soap acts as a grease cutting agent (like butter stains!) The baking soda acts as a odor remover (like cat or dog urine) The peroxide or oxyclean will dissolve any organic mater (blood, vomit, poop...) Make a paste or soak the item in a sink with hot water (check the tags first you might have to settle for just warm) I have used this to get the smell off my husbands hockey equipment. And to get the smell of cat spray off a few clothes. It actually works that well!

What if your puppy does not vomit after eating rat poison?

when a dog feels sick they will eat grass. this causes a gag reflex and then causes the dog to vomit. peroxide might be harmful depending on how much was swallowed