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The patellar reflex is more vigorous after exercise.

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1mo ago

The patellar reflex is generally more vigorous after exercise due to increased muscle activation and elevated excitability of the nervous system. This can result in a quicker and more pronounced response when the tendon is struck, leading to a stronger contraction of the quadriceps muscle and a more prominent knee jerk reflex.

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Q: Is the patellar reflex more or less vigorous after exercise?
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What are two example of reflex actions and their importance?

One example of a reflex action is the knee-jerk reflex, where the doctor taps the knee and the leg kicks out involuntarily. This reflex helps to protect the body from potentially harmful stimuli by quickly withdrawing from danger. Another example is the eyeblink reflex, which helps to protect the eyes from potential harm by closing the eyelids rapidly in response to a sudden threat.

What is a accommodation pupillary reflex?

The accommodation pupillary reflex is a normal response of the eyes to focusing on near objects. When we focus on something close up, the pupils of our eyes constrict to allow less light to enter, which helps improve visual acuity for near vision. This reflex allows us to adapt quickly and efficiently to changes in our visual environment.

What is diving reflex?

The diving reflex is a reflex that occurs when a person's face is submerged in cold water. It triggers physiological responses in the body, such as a reduced heart rate, constriction of blood vessels, and redirection of blood flow to vital organs like the brain and heart, in order to conserve oxygen and increase the chances of survival underwater. This reflex is more pronounced in aquatic mammals like seals and dolphins.

Mantle layer with more convection Mantle layer with less convection?

The mantle layer with more convection is the upper mantle, which has a higher temperature and undergoes vigorous convection currents. In contrast, the lower mantle has less convection due to its higher pressure and lower temperature, leading to slower convective movement.

What effect provided by water helps makes the excierse benficial?

Water's buoyancy reduces the stress on the joints and decreases the risk of injury during exercise. This makes water exercise beneficial for individuals with joint pain, arthritis, or limited mobility, as it allows them to engage in physical activity with less strain on the body.

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Vigorous exercise works for me, therefore I try to wait until after I exercise before I take my afternoon dose. Don't know if the actual adderall "level" is lowered by exercise, all I know is that it is much less effective for me after exercising.

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What is the size of an reflex angle?

a reflex angle is greater than 180o but it is less than 360o.

What is a 275 degree angle called?

A Reflex Angle is more than 180° but less than 360°

What is a reflex angle and diagram?

A Reflex Angle is more than 180° but less than 360°An angle of 2300 is an example of a reflex angle.

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A reflex angle is an angle which is greater than 180° but less than 360°; so, a 240° angle is a reflex angle.

Which of angles is reflex angle?

A reflex angle is greater than 180 but less than 360 degrees

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The hands on a clock.A Reflex Angle is one which is more than 180° but less than 360° so 240° is a reflex angle.

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Any angle greater than 180 but less than 360 is a reflex angle.