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Dark matter does not move faster than the speed of light. It interacts gravitationally with other matter, affecting how galaxies rotate and clusters form, but it does not move on its own at superluminal speeds.

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Q: Is the mysterious dark matter the fastest-moving material in the universe?
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What is in a matter?

The material of the universe

What is in Matter?

The material of the universe

What property remains constant no matter where in the universe a material?

The mass of a material remains constant, no matter where in the universe it is located.

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What compromises 99 percent of matter in the universe?

It is currently estimated that about 4% of the matter of the Universe is "normal" matter - matter that can be accounted for. This includes stars, dust, gas, and even black holes. About 23% of the matter is "dark matter", which makes itself manifest by its gravitational attraction - but that is about all we know about it. The remaining 73% is an even more mysterious "dark energy" - which somehow makes the Universe expand faster and faster.It is currently estimated that about 4% of the matter of the Universe is "normal" matter - matter that can be accounted for. This includes stars, dust, gas, and even black holes. About 23% of the matter is "dark matter", which makes itself manifest by its gravitational attraction - but that is about all we know about it. The remaining 73% is an even more mysterious "dark energy" - which somehow makes the Universe expand faster and faster.It is currently estimated that about 4% of the matter of the Universe is "normal" matter - matter that can be accounted for. This includes stars, dust, gas, and even black holes. About 23% of the matter is "dark matter", which makes itself manifest by its gravitational attraction - but that is about all we know about it. The remaining 73% is an even more mysterious "dark energy" - which somehow makes the Universe expand faster and faster.It is currently estimated that about 4% of the matter of the Universe is "normal" matter - matter that can be accounted for. This includes stars, dust, gas, and even black holes. About 23% of the matter is "dark matter", which makes itself manifest by its gravitational attraction - but that is about all we know about it. The remaining 73% is an even more mysterious "dark energy" - which somehow makes the Universe expand faster and faster.

What percentage of the universe is matter?

It is believed that about 4% of the mass in the Universe is normal matter. About 23% is dark matter (matter of unknown composition), the remainder being something even more mysterious called dark energy. I suggest searching the Wikipedia for "dark matter" and "dark energy", for more details about both.

What sustains the universe?

The universe is sustained by various natural laws and forces, such as gravity, electromagnetism, and the nuclear forces that govern the behavior of matter and energy. Additionally, the expansion of the universe is driven by dark energy, a mysterious force that counteracts gravity and causes the universe to accelerate.

What is pulling the universe apart?

The expansion of the universe is causing galaxies to move away from each other, with space itself expanding between them. This expansion is driven by dark energy, a mysterious force that counteracts the gravitational pull of matter in the universe.

Immediately after the Big Bang the universe contained?

Immediately after the Big Bang, the universe was in a hot, dense state of matter and energy. It contained subatomic particles like quarks and electrons, as well as photons of light. As the universe expanded and cooled, these particles came together to form hydrogen and helium atoms.

What is the fundamental difference between dark matter and anti-matter, and how do they interact within the universe?

Dark matter is a mysterious substance that does not interact with light, while anti-matter is the opposite of regular matter in terms of its particles' charge. Dark matter affects the universe's gravitational pull, while anti-matter can annihilate regular matter upon contact, releasing energy.

What Is the belief that everything in the universe is composed of physical matter?

The belief that everything in the universe is composed of physical matter is known as materialism. Materialism posits that physical matter is the fundamental substance of reality and that mental processes, consciousness, and emotions can be explained in terms of interactions between material components.