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This reaction is exothermic.

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Q: Is the mixture of copper oxide and sulphuric acid warmed?
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What happens when copper oxide reacts with dilute sulphuric acid?

Copper Oxide reacts with Sulphuric acid to form Copper Sulphate and Water.

What is mixed with copper oxide to make copper sulphate?

Sulphuric acid is mixed with copper oxide to make copper sulphate through a chemical reaction.

Does copper oxide fizz when it's put in sulfuric acid?

Yes, Copper oxide does fizz when it reacts with Sulphuric Acid

What is left behind in the filter when you mix copper oxide with sulphuric acid?


Which groups of particles are present on both sides of copper oxide and sulphuric acid?

If you mean which elements are the same, both copper oxide (whichever valence state) and sulphuric acid contain Oxygen (H2SO4)

What is observed when copper oxide is added into excess dilute sulphuric acid?

When copper oxide is added into excess dilute sulphuric acid, it reacts to form copper sulfate and water. Additionally, hydrogen gas is evolved during the reaction.

Which salt is made when copper oxide and sulphuric acid react together?

Copper sulfate is the salt formed when copper oxide and sulfuric acid react together.

What is the balanced equation for the reaction of sulphuric acid and copper oxide?

This will depend upon which version of copper oxide you have - copper I oxide or copper II oxide. For copper I oxide: H2SO4 + Cu2O --> Cu2SO4 + H2O For copper II oxide: H2SO4 + CuO --> CuSO4 + H2O

Which pair of substances will react together to make copper sulfate?

Copper oxide and sulfuric acid will react together to produce copper sulfate.

What is the word equation of copper oxide reacting with sulfuric acid to make copper sulphate?

Copper oxide reacts with sulfuric acid to produce copper sulfate and water. CuO + H2SO4 → CuSO4 + H2O

What equation is sulphuric acid mixed with copper oxide?

Cu + 2H2SO4 -> CuSO4 + 2H2O + SO2 Copper (Cu) on reacting with two moles of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) yields copper sulphate (CuSO4) and 2 moles of water (2H2O) and sulphur dioxide (SO2).

Which salt is made when copper oxide and sulphric acid react together?

Copper sulfate is formed when copper oxide reacts with sulfuric acid.