A poisonous plant is most poisonous when it is ingested or comes into direct contact with the body. The toxicity level depends on various factors such as the plant species, the part of the plant consumed, the amount consumed, and the sensitivity of the individual. The concentration of toxins can also vary depending on factors like plant maturity and environmental conditions.
A baneberry is a flowering plant of the genus Actaea, or the poisonous berry of such a plant.
The castor bean plant (Ricinus communis) was discovered in 1970 to be poisonous. The plant's seeds contain ricin, a deadly toxin that can be fatal if ingested in even small amounts.
They are not poisonous to dogs or cats but they are mildly toxic to horses and cattle.
Yes, a poisonous plant. It can kill you in a matter of 0.00000009909909 seconds.
the plant of Nebraska is goldenrod
its a yellow flower. plant
For her grandmother
The scientific name for Goldenrod is Solidago sp.
The plant that is not considered poisonous when touched or ingested is the aloe vera plant.
You plant a seed, germinate it then plant it out.
The Kangaroo Paw plant is not at all poisonous to either humans or animals.
Goldenrod is a flowering plant that is part of the Aster family. It grows in open, grassy habitats like savannas, prairies, and meadows.
Horses should not be allowed to eat goldenrod plants. The toxin is present in both the dry and green plant.
Goldenrod is a dicot. It belongs to the plant group known as dicotyledons, which have seeds with two cotyledons (seed leaves).
you have to fix the power plant.