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It depends on the construction - and purpose. For example -plastic food wrap is relatively weak (you can tear it from the roll very easily). However - heat resistant plastic components can also be used in engines.

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Plastic is a general term. This would be like asking if wood was strong. Some plastics are very strong some are weak.

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What are the disadvantages of a plastic storage shed?

Plastic storage sheds can warp in the summer time heat as well as winter cold. Ice accumulation on the roof can cause it to become weak and fragile or even break.

What is the breaking point of plastic bags?

The breaking point of most plastic bags is typically around 20 to 30 pounds of force. However, this can vary depending on the type and thickness of the plastic material.

Is the asthenosphere really plastic?

Yes, the asthenosphere is a layer of the Earth's mantle that exhibits plastic behavior, meaning it can flow and deform slowly under high temperatures and pressures. This plasticity allows the lithospheric plates to move and interact with each other, leading to processes like plate tectonics.

Partially molten, plastic-like, flowing layer located below the solid part of Earths mantle?

Partially molten, plastic like, flowing layer located below the solid part of Earth's mantle is the Asthenosphere. The asthenosphere is mechanically weak and ductiley deforming region of the upper mantle.

Why should a surgeon powder his hands before pulling on plastic gloves?

The powder will absorb any moisture. That allows the gloves to slide on easier and avoid creating tears or weak spots in the glove.

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weak spring, dirt, and the gears are plastic and they get chewed up and jam.

How do you get red stains out of your plastic dinnerware?

I would use a weak bleach and water mixture and let soak a few minutes

What are the disadvantages of a plastic storage shed?

Plastic storage sheds can warp in the summer time heat as well as winter cold. Ice accumulation on the roof can cause it to become weak and fragile or even break.

Is ceramic bowl better than plastic bowl?

Usually ceramic bowls looks better, but they are very weak and cant be dropped.

What can beta go through?

Beta is weak so it can only penetrate through thin material ,sayyy paper but it is then blocked by thick plastic

What is the breaking point of plastic bags?

The breaking point of most plastic bags is typically around 20 to 30 pounds of force. However, this can vary depending on the type and thickness of the plastic material.

What happens to a leaf in a plastic bag?

It 'expires.' The leaf becomes brown and dry within a weak thin layer called the 'terhomos.' This is the part of the leaf collects sun energy. As the leaf is in the plastic bag, the sun energy will not be able to be received by the leaf.

What happens to a plastic bottle if air particles are removed?

If air particles are removed from a plastic bottle, the volume inside the bottle would decrease due to the absence of air pressure. The bottle may collapse or shrink in size as there is no longer any external pressure to counteract the elasticity of the bottle material.

Do you say 'weak in' or 'weak at'?

I would say "weak at" eg I am very weak at mathematics,