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It is considered somewhat rare. Only 7% of the population is O Negative. Approximately 20% of the population is CMV negative. So only about 1.4% of the population is O Negative CMV negative. That is fewer than 2 our of ever 100 people. It isn't the rarest, but it is a very useful type.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

O negative CMV negative blood is less common compared to O positive CMV negative blood. The presence of CMV antibodies in blood is more prevalent in the general population, so finding CMV negative blood can be a challenge. However, blood banks do maintain stocks of O negative CMV negative blood for transfusion in certain situations.

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My blood group is o positive kel negative is this rare?

Having O positive blood with an Rh(Kell) negative blood type is relatively rare. The O positive blood type is the most common blood type, but the combination of O positive with Kell negative is less common. It is important to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider regarding blood compatibility for any future medical needs.

What blood type will child have if both parents are o negative?

If both parents are O negative, their child will also be O negative. This is because O negative is a recessive blood type that requires both parents to contribute an O negative allele for the child to have O negative blood type.

What blood GROUP do parents have to have a child with type o negative blood group?

For two parents to have a child with type O negative blood group, both parents must have at least one O and one negative Rh factor allele. The possible parental blood group combinations could be O negative x O negative, O negative x O positive, A negative x O negative, or B negative x O negative.

Can a person with o neg blood give blood to a rh neg person?

Yes, a person with O negative blood can donate blood to a person with Rh negative blood. O negative is considered a universal blood type that can be given to individuals of any blood type, including Rh negative individuals.

Who donate to group o negative?

People with O negative blood are often referred to as "universal donors" because their blood can be transfused to patients with any blood type. Therefore, anyone can donate O negative blood to individuals in need, regardless of their own blood type.

Related questions

Is 0 positive blood type common?

O positive is a very common blood type. It is the most common blood type today. There are not many people with O negative. O negative is very rare.

My blood group is o positive kel negative is this rare?

Having O positive blood with an Rh(Kell) negative blood type is relatively rare. The O positive blood type is the most common blood type, but the combination of O positive with Kell negative is less common. It is important to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider regarding blood compatibility for any future medical needs.

Is O negative the least common blood type?

No, it's AB-

Commonest blood group?

Type O is the most common, with about half of the population having O type blood.

What is the least common blood type?

Officially, there are 8 different types of blood but it is close since there are positive and negative versions of blood types A,B,AB, and O. But the least common type would be blood type AB-.

What about O positive people?

O positive is the most common blood type making up about 38% of the population.

What blood types are the most common and the most rare?

O positive O negative A positive A negative B positive B negative AB positive AB negative The rarest of all these blood types listed is AB negative making up 0.7% of the worlds population.

What is the rarest blood type and what is the most common?

O positive is the most common and AB negative is the rarest.

Why is o negative blood group rare?

O negative blood group is rare because it lacks the A, B, and Rh antigens present in most other blood types. Only 7% of the population has O negative blood, making it less common and in high demand for blood transfusions since it can be safely transfused to individuals with any blood type.

What will a child's blood type be if parent's blood types are O negative and O negative?

Obviously, the child's blood type would be an O negative as well.

I have O negative blood group I need blood which blood group is suitable?

O negative blood type can take only from O negative. but in emergency cases if the O negative is not available, doctors give you O positive, and treat that with immune-suppressants.

What is the most ABO blood type in the United States?

The most common ABO blood type in the United States is O positive.