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Tis is a physical process.

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Q: Is mashing potatoes into mashed potatoes a physical or chemical change?
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Is mashing up potatoes to makle mashed potatoes a chemical or physical change?

Mashing potatoes is a physical change because it does not change the chemical or physical properties of the potatoes.

Is mashing a potatoes to make mashed potatoes a chemical or physical reaction?

Mashing potatoes to make mashed potatoes is considered a physical reaction. The chemical composition of the potatoes remains the same before and after mashing; only the physical form changes.

Does mashing potatoes cause a chemical change?

Mashing potatoes does not cause a chemical change because the composition of the potatoes remains the same. It is strictly a physical change, as the potatoes are being physically broken down into a new form but no new substances are being created.

Is mashing a potato a chemical or physical change?

Mashing a potato is a physical change because it's the same substance (the potato is still a potato) but in a different form.- - - - -Making mashed potatoes from fresh potatoes is both a chemical and a physical change: there are many chemical changes that occur when you cook a potato, and physical because it doesn't look anything like it did when you started.

Is making mashed potatoes a chemical change?

Making mashed potatoes involves a physical change because there is no new substance created during the process. The potatoes are still potatoes, just in a different form. The chemical composition of the potatoes remains the same before and after mashing.

Is mashing banana physical or chemical?

Mashing a banana is a physical change because it does not alter the chemical composition of the banana. The act of mashing simply changes the physical appearance and texture of the banana without creating any new substances.

Is mashing a banana a chemical change or physical change?

This is a physical change, because you are only changing the physical appearance, not the substance's chemical properties.

Is Slicing a banana a physical or chemical change?

Purely physical.

Is mashing potatoes for making boiled potatoes a chemical change?

A mashed potato is still a potato. The only change is physically from a solid state into a mashed state. The chemical composition of the potato has not been changed.

What is a chemical change cutting paper mashing potatoes chopping down a tree burning wood mixing paint?

Burning wood is an example of a chemical change because the wood reacts with oxygen to release energy in the form of heat and light. The other examples are physical changes: cutting paper, mashing potatoes, chopping down a tree, and mixing paint involve changes in shape, size, or state without altering the chemical composition of the substances involved.

Is boiling potatoes a chemical change?

Boiling potatoes is a physical change, not a chemical change. The heat causes the starch in the potatoes to gelatinize and the cells to rupture, but the chemical composition of the potatoes remains the same.

Is boiling potatoes a chemical or physical change?

Physical, because it doesn't change chemical make up it just changes the appearance and texture