It should only be capitalized if it forms part of a title (including class names)
marine biology is life science
People who study marine biology are known as marine biologists. They specialize in the study of marine organisms, ecosystems, and environments.
A degree in marine biology is typically called a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Marine Biology, or a related field such as Oceanography or Marine Science. Some universities may offer specialized programs with unique titles, but the primary degree designation is usually a B.S. in Marine Biology.
Some schools in Kentucky offering marine biology programs include Western Kentucky University and Murray State University. These universities offer courses in marine biology through their biology or marine science departments. Kentucky does not have a coastline, so programs may focus on freshwater biology or distant marine environments.
Alot of people like marine biology because it is the study of ANIMALS!
Marine biology is the scientific study of the biology of marine life, organisms in the sea.
Marine biology started when it did
A degree in marine biology or general biology.
Yes, marine biology is a specialized division of biology which is the study of life.
marine biology is life science
People who study marine biology are known as marine biologists. They specialize in the study of marine organisms, ecosystems, and environments.
Galveston is one of the top colleges in the country for Marine Biology which means you CAN get a Bachelor's Degree. One of the best! From their web site:Curriculum in Marine Biology (MARB) The Department of Marine Biology offers these three degree programs: Marine Biology (MARB), Marine Biology License Option (MARB/LO) and Marine Fisheries (MARF).
A degree in marine biology is typically called a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Marine Biology, or a related field such as Oceanography or Marine Science. Some universities may offer specialized programs with unique titles, but the primary degree designation is usually a B.S. in Marine Biology.
Biology should not be capitalized unless it's starting a sentence because it's not proper.
Biology Supervisor is a great advancement in the marine biology field! :)
You might be thinking of marine zoology, which is a branch of marine biology. It (marine zoology) deals with the "critters" or creatures or animals in the marine environment. Certainly at the very "end" of the scale of marine creatures are living things that might be either animal or plant in nature. We usually see the more general term marine biologist in use to define someone who works in this area, and then a specialty under that umbrella.
Montemar Institute of Marine Biology was created in 1959.