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No they are different. Maizena is cornstarch while maize meal is corn meal. Cornstarch is usually used as a thickener while corn meal is used as part of a breading mixture to make it crispier or as an ingredient to make corn cakes.muffins.

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9mo ago

No, maizena is a brand of cornstarch, while maize meal is a type of flour made from ground maize (corn). Maize meal is more coarse in texture and is commonly used in dishes like pap or ugali, while maizena is a fine, powdery starch often used as a thickening agent in cooking and baking.

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Is maize meal the same as maize flour?

No, generally maize is a type of corn, in the U.S.A. maize flour is known as corn starch which is used as a thickener.

Is the product maizena a cornstarch?

Maizena is the French word for cornstarch (which is the same as cornflour). Some other European countries call cornflour "maizena" too.

Is corn meal same as maize flour?

Cornmeal is a coarse flour ground from dried maize. It is not ground as fine as wheat flour. Maize flour is a fine as wheat flour but lack the bran or protein gluten and has a poor rising capability. Corn meal and maize flour are similar but are not the same.

What is the difference between maize-flour and maize-meal?

the size of the grain

What is maizena?

Maizena is a brand of Cornstarch, or cornflour

Do Americans eat maize meal?

In America Corn meal is quite popular in some regions.

What percentage of the maize grain is flour?

None because Maize is corn and when ground is corn meal.

Is maize flour the same as cornmeal?

Maize is the original corn the Indians grew. The corn had many colors in the cob and was a very dry. As hybrids of maize were done it was found the yellow and white kernals had more moisture. That is what popcorn is made out of and why bread would be drier if you used a maize meal rather than the normal corn meal which is made of yellow corn. Maybe add more liquid to your bread when using the maize meal.

How do you say 'flour tortilla' in Spanish?

Corn starch in Spanish is called Maizena. Maizena is the brand name of the cornflour.....but the literal translation for corn starch in Spanish is harina fina de maiz

How many calories in maize meal?

100 grams has 326 calories

Can you buy cornmeal in England?

Yes - ask for cornflour. DO NOT use cornflour - totally the wrong thing. eta: Cornflour in the UK is corn starch. This isn't the same as cornmeal! Still trying to find cornmeal in the UK, will add more when I know. BUT:- coarse cornmeal, polenta or maize meal or the more finely ground maize flour should be available in most big supermarkets often called - cornmeal, maize meal, maize flour, polenta, or polenta flour.

What is maizena used for?

Maizena is a type of cornstarch that is commonly used as a thickening agent in cooking and baking. It is often used in sauces, soups, and desserts to create a creamy texture. Maizena can also be used as a substitute for flour in gluten-free recipes.