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A lime with calcium hydroxide is a base.

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Q: Is lime away a acid or base?
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Is lime a base or a acid?

The fruit known as a lime is acidic it contains citric acid. The substance lime, sometimes called quicklime, is calcium oxide and is a base.

Is lime juice an acid or base?

lime juice is an acid, not a base

Is lemon lime punch an acid or a base?


Is Lime Water an Acid?'s a base.

Lime is acid or base?

Lime is calcium hydroxiode. So it is basic in nature.

Is lime water is base or acid?

It is a base as it is a solution of calcium hydroxide.

Why is lime added to acidic lakes?

Lime is a strong base. When you add a base to an acid it turns it neutral. So by adding the lime to the water after a while it'll turn into precipitation itself and neutralize the acid. This is also known as acid-base neutralization.

Is lime and vinegar the same?

No. Lime is a base, alkali, primarily calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide. Vinegar is an acid (acetic acid)

How does ethanoic acid remove lime scale?

Ethanoic acid is a great solution for removing lime scale buildup in sinks and bathtubs, for instance. Ethanoic acid is a harsh chemical that burns away the lime.

Is orange juice or lime juice an acid or a base?

They are both acidic

Is lime the opposite of acid?

No, lime is not the opposite of acid. Lime is a type of fruit with a sour flavor due to its high acidity. Acid, on the other hand, refers to a chemical substance that produces a sour taste and has a low pH level.

What acid or alkali is in garden lime?

Garden lime typically contains calcium carbonate, which is a base (alkaline). It helps to neutralize acidic soil and raise the pH levels.