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Q: Is it true that a secondary succession can occur slower than a primary succession?
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When does secondary succession could occur after?

Secondary succession can happy after primary succession . Secondary can be independent but is not usually independent from primary succession.

The series of changes that occur after a disturbance in an existing ecosystem is called?

secondary succession.

Series of changes that occurs after a disturbance in an ecosystem?

Secondary succession is the series of changes that occur after a disturbance (like a forest fire or hurricane) in an ecosystem.Do not confuse this with primary succession, which is a gradual growth of an ecosystem over a long period of time after a disturbance, such as a volcano that erupted.The difference is that secondary succession occurs when some vegetation and soil remaining after the disturbance, whereas primary succession occurs when very little or no vegetation or soil is present.

Where will primary succession occur?

In the rainforest

How does secondary succession differ from primary succession?

Primary succession occurs after the complete wipe out of vegetation. After the wipe out occurs, small shrubs and grasses grow. Secondary succession however, occurs when there has been destruction to the land, but not enough to completely devastate the area. Hard woods grow during secondary succession.

What the difference between primary and secondary succesion?

Primary succession occurs in an environment where there is no soil present, typically beginning with colonization by pioneer species, while secondary succession occurs in an environment where soil is already present but has been disturbed, such as after a forest fire or clear-cutting. Primary succession takes place over a longer period of time, beginning with the formation of soil, while secondary succession can occur more rapidly as existing plant and animal species recolonize the area.

What kind of land changes occur by tsunami?

it is secondary succession

Where is secondary succession like to occur?

in a forest that has been burned - NovaNet

Use primary succession in a sentence?

Primary succession is the process by which vegetation begins to colonize on land that has never had growth, such as a volcanic island. An example of a sentence using the term "primary succession" is "A pioneer species, such as fungi or algae, is necessary for primary succession to occur. "

Does Primary succession occur in a rainforest?

Primary succession can occur in a rainforest after a severe disturbance, such as a volcanic eruption or landslide, which removes all vegetation and soil. Over time, pioneer species will colonize the bare land, leading to the eventual development of a new forest ecosystem.

Primary succession would most likely occur after?

a lava flow

What is a requirement for secondary succession to occur?

A requirement for secondary succession to occur is the presence of existing soil and seeds or roots of plants that were present before the disturbance. This allows for the re-establishment of plant life in the area. Additionally, a lack of extreme environmental conditions, such as ongoing drought or severe pollution, is needed for secondary succession to take place effectively.