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There is currently no know and confirmed way to travel in time.

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Q: Is it possible to time travel through astral projection?
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How can you sever the silver cord of Astral projection?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that the silver cord is a real physical phenomenon. Therefore, there is no known way to sever a silver cord of Astral projection. The silver cord is a concept often mentioned in beliefs about Astral projection, but it is not based on scientific principles.

What type of map projection is used by airline pilots?

Airline pilots typically use the Mercator projection for navigation purposes. This projection preserves angles and straight lines, making it useful for plotting flight paths accurately. However, it distorts the sizes of land masses at higher latitudes.

What is time travel of the sperm cell to the ovary?

Sperm cells do not time travel to the ovary. They travel through the female reproductive tract via the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes to reach the egg for fertilization. Time travel is a concept found in science fiction and is not possible in reality.

Is it possible for a chemical to be absored through your skin and travel through your bloodstream to cause damage somewhere else in your body?

Yes, it is possible for certain chemicals to be absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream, where they can then travel throughout the body and potentially cause damage to different organs or systems. This process is known as dermal absorption and depends on various factors such as the chemical's properties, concentration, and duration of exposure.

Can a p wave travel through gas?

Yes, a P-wave can travel through gas. P-waves are seismic waves that are the fastest and can travel through solids, liquids, and gases. They compress and expand the material they travel through, which allows them to propagate through gases as well.

Related questions

Where can you find information on astral projection?

Astral projection (or astral travel) is an interpretation of out-of-body experiences (OBEs) achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming, deep meditation, or use of psychotropics. Proponents of astral projection maintain that their consciousness or soul has transferred into an astral body (or "double"), which moves in tandem with the physical body in a parallel world known as the astral plane. Astral projection is often associated with the occult and the New Age movement. Click on the link to your right for more information. ______________________________ Also try: - Its under the heading astral projection and is helpful and easy to practice. "Astral Voyages" by Dr. Bruce Goldberg is a brilliant book about Astral Travel. == == ==new answer== Astral projection is experienced during the advanced study at the School Of Metaphysics. (FRC ): Research also ' Projection of consciousness' . This should evince answers of a more serious nature.

Would Santa Claus' reindeer be part of astral travel?

No. Astral projection has to do with the soul traveling outside the body. It has absolutely nothing to do with horses or reindeer.

Is it possible to join in somebody's dreams?

In a word, no. The movie "Inception" is science fiction fantasy and does not reflect any actual technology. Some individuals advertise their ability to travel in their sleep or to enter into other person's dreams, but these claims generally come with products for sale. There are storys out there of people entering dreams. This is achieved through astral projection. People have said to be in control of their dreams in this state and also are able to enter somebody else's. Astral projection is achieve through meditation.

How can you sever the silver cord of Astral projection?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that the silver cord is a real physical phenomenon. Therefore, there is no known way to sever a silver cord of Astral projection. The silver cord is a concept often mentioned in beliefs about Astral projection, but it is not based on scientific principles.

Can one travel to other countrirs through astral projection?

Yes and No. Your consciousness could travel to another country, but not your physical body. According to most sources that validate the existence of astral projection you can travel to any place and any time free from the constrains of physical laws. However; while traveling in the astral plane you embody what is called a "subtle" body purported to be composed of some sort of spiritual energy and applicable to the laws of karma. Certain sources claim that there is actually an ethereal plane that represents our world and in that plane you inhabit an ethereal representation of your body; furthermore the ethereal body is what connects an individual to their astral body and the ethereal plane to the astral plane. The primary difference being less of a representation of the actual physical world in the astral plane. Also, these planes are thought to be a few of many that make up a multi-planar framework of reality.

Is astral projection dangerous for your body or mind?

No. Astral projection is a natural occurence and happenes every day when you dream. Your physical body needs rest but your spirit or astral self does not. My first astral travel experience was wonderful and made me realise that it cannot be dangerous for body or mind what so ever. as you are fully in control at all times, you are the one that makes the decision to go and do what it is that you want. Some people say that you can get "lost" and die. This will never happen as you are connected to your body by natural forces that make it impossible for this to happen. Mind over matter.

Is it possible for people to travel to the spirit world over night or to other locations through Astral Projection unintentionally or unwillingly?

Astral-projection can occur under many different circumstances. Have you ever had a REALLY realistic dream? Maybe imagined a conversation with someone and they act as though it really happened (ex. Imagined telling someone off and they apologize for ticking you off)? Perhaps you had a dream where you were talking with a deceased relatives or friends. Astral-projection is simply the process of your conscience mind going for a little stroll without your body. It's not harmful, anyone can do it, it can happen almost accidently, but you can't be forced to do it by someone else, you have to be willing on some level.

Is it possible to get to heaven without dying?

noAnother ThoughtIf by "heaven" you mean a higher plain, then technically you can reach it.Many spiritual paths have some form of the higher plain, reached during out of body experiences, called variously, astral projection, astral travel, spirit walking, spirit quests, soul travel, out-of-body experience, near-death experience, etc.For more information please see the related link below.

Can someone tell me how you can enter someone's dream during astral projection please?

You ask a demon. Astral projection is an illusion sponsored by them.You'll lose your soul though.A Witch's AnswerYou ask permission in advance, from the person you want to contact in dreams. Entering someone else's dreams is a horrible invasion of privacy. Once you have their express knowledge and permission, you touch their body while you are in astral form.You should feel a passageway, but its only there if the person knows what you are going to do, hence the other reason to ask.

How can people astral project and know they're not sleeping?

When a person goes through astral projection or astral travel, they are fully conscious and aware of what's going on. Some people don't even realize that this is an out-of-body experience because they either haven't heard about it or they haven't researched it. Some people have practiced and mastered how to induce an OBE voluntarily. When this is acheived, they can go to bed and actually decide exactly where in the Universe they want to go: past, present or future!

How do you use transmigration of the soul?

astral travel

Could you go to places like the Fairy realm through astral travel?

yes if you fly in the sloner jesnicks 3000. its a highly advanced astal travel device.