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The best time to snorkel is at or just after either high OR low tide when the TIDAL MOVEMENT IS MILDEST. Though if snorkeling off the shore, at or just after HIGH tide is better, before the outward flow begins. This is just a vague answer because every spot will be different... you should enquire about each one separately.

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15y ago
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8mo ago

It is generally better to kayak at high tide due to deeper water levels and smoother paddling conditions. Low tide can expose hazards like rocks or shallow areas that can impede navigation.

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13y ago

It is better to kayak at low tide it depends if you want adrenalin you need the high tide its safer at the low tide if there are rocks or mud go at the high tide.

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The time for high tide and low tide depends on the date of the tide, and the place where you are measuring high and low tide. There isn't a fixed number, unfortunately.

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