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3mo ago

Yes, the formation of ice crystals on a window is an exothermic process. When water vapor in the air comes into contact with the cold surface of the window, it loses heat energy and undergoes a phase change from a gas to a solid, releasing heat in the process.

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Q: Is ice crystals forming on window exothermic reaction?
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ice crystals forming on a window a chemical change?

No, ice crystals forming on a window is a physical change. A physical change involves a change in the form of a substance without changing its chemical composition. The water molecules in the air condense and freeze on the window, but they are still water molecules.

Are ice crystals forming on a window physical changes?


Why is frost on a car window a physical change?

Frost forming on a car window is a physical change because it is a reversible process where water vapor in the air solidifies into ice crystals when it comes into contact with the cold surface of the window. The chemical composition of the water molecules remains the same before and after the frost forms.

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The good kind. The more crystals, the better. The crystals are what get you high I believe

Why do particles of water in the air form frost on a cold window?

When the temperature of the window drops below freezing, the water vapor in the air loses energy and transitions directly into a solid state, forming frost. This process is called deposition. The water vapor in the air condenses onto the cold surface of the window and freezes into ice crystals.

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no it is a response

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Frost is a word that rhymes with lost and can cover a window, referring to a layer of ice crystals that form on a cold surface.

How would you make a salt?

Take sea water and put it in a window for some days.You will see salt crystals appear.

Are the salt crystals produced when a glass of saltwater is left on a window sill for several days a chemical or physical change?

The formation of salt crystals from saltwater on a window sill is a physical change. In this process, the water evaporates, leaving behind the salt crystals. The composition of the salt remains the same, so it is considered a physical change.

When you breathe on a window and your air condenses on the window is the liquid that was condensed saliva or water?

basically its water because it has the nearest chemical reaction to it but saliva is the nearest chemical reaction to blood but if you bleed on something and wait for it to dry it condenses more into saliva

What happens to the steam from a kettle boiling near a cold window?

The steam from a kettle will hit the cold window surface and lose heat rapidly, causing it to condense back into water droplets. This is because the cold window cools down the steam quickly, which is why you can see the steam forming water droplets on the window.

Can you relate exothermic and endothermic reactions to the making and breaking of bonds?

In exothermic reactions, energy is released when new bonds are formed, resulting in a net decrease in energy. In endothermic reactions, energy is absorbed to break existing bonds, resulting in a net increase in energy. Bond-making is exothermic because it releases energy, while bond-breaking is endothermic as it requires energy input.