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Distilled water is about the same as any other water, the only difference is that it has minerals taken out of it. It is OK for dogs, just make absolute sure that they are up to standards for minerals. Spring water is ideal for the natural minerals.

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8mo ago

Distilled water is safe for dogs to drink, but it may not provide the essential minerals that they need. It is important to ensure that your dog has a balanced diet and receives necessary minerals from their food. However, giving distilled water occasionally is generally fine.

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Is distilled water a good insulator?

Distilled water is not a good insulator as it still contains some ions that can conduct electricity. It has a low conductivity compared to tap water but is not a perfect insulator.

Is distilled water good for car radiators?

Distilled water IS good for radiators. In fact, manufacturers recommend using nothing but distilled water to mix with antifreeze. Tap water contains minerals, which can promote corrosion. So tap water should be used in a cooling system only in case of an emergency.

Use of distilled water?

Most common uses of distilled water are, >On cars batterries. >On steam irons. >And mostly in hospitals. Distilled water is used because its clean and does harms stuff,unlike tap water. Most common uses of distilled water are, >On cars batterries. >On steam irons. >And mostly in hospitals. Distilled water is used because its clean and does harms stuff,unlike tap water.

Is plain water good for liquid batteries?

no only distilled water should be used.

Is water a good a conductor?

Distilled water is a bad conductor. Dirty water, or water with impurities added, is a good conductor. It is not the water that matters, but the impurities.


Distilled water is a bad conductor. Dirty water, or water with impurities added, is a good conductor. It is not the water that matters, but the impurities.

Why is distilled water a base?

Distilled water is not a base.

What is a sentence for distilled?

You should not drink distilled water as it lacks minerals which are beneficial for us.Make a solution of the salt in distilled water.

What can a mixture of hay and water help you do?

A mixture of hay,pond water, and distilled water is a good for microorganism to grow.

Is distilled water classified as a base?

Distilled water is neutral

Distilled water is an element mixture or a compound?

Water (distilled or not) is a chemical compound - H2O.

Which has higher water potential pure water or distilled water?

distilled! :D