Elatior Hybrids (Reiger Begonia, Begonia x hiemalis, indoor begonia) are a cross between a fibrous (wax) begonia and a tuberous begonia. They have large flowers like a tuberous begonia and bloom continuously like a fibrous begonia. However, they are not as long lived as most tuberous begonias. When grown as outdoor plants in the summer, they are usually treated as annuals to be thrown away after 3 to 6 months. When grown as indoor houseplants, they can live several years by pruning back old stems to encourage new growth and flowers. You can also propagate Elatiors from leaf cuttings, but take care to bury at least one leaf node so the plant will grow a tuber that will sprout new stems.
Neem is a perennial.
No, it is a perennial
Amaranth is both an annual and a perennial plant. It is typically grown as an annual for its edible leaves and seeds, but some varieties can survive multiple years in temperate climates if conditions are favorable.
Begonias are considered herbs as they are non-woody, perennial plants with fleshy stems and leaves. They are herbaceous flowering plants that are commonly grown for their ornamental foliage and blooms.
All lavenders are perennials
A rose open looks like a poppy flower (they are blood red with black in the middle) when they are closed they sort of twirl from the middle outward. Their color varies from a pink and sometimes can be a black or white.
Perennial :)
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Begonia grandis.
it is perennial
Basil is an annual, not a perennial.